Origin: Inferior mental spine of mandible. Insertion: Body of hyoid bone. Action: Depresses mandible; elevates hyoid bone.
Origin and insertion. The geniohyoid muscle originates from the inferior mental spine, located on the posterior surface of the mandible near the lower part of ...
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Origin, Inferior mental spine of mandible · Insertion · Hyoid bone.
Jan 20, 2023 · Attachments: Arises from the inferior mental spine of the mandible. It then travels inferiorly and posteriorly to attach to the hyoid bone.
Aug 20, 2024 · Summary · origin: inferior mental spine of the mandible also known as the genial tubercle · insertion: upper border of the body of the hyoid bone ...
Origin. The geniohyoid muscle originates from the inferior mental spine (genial tubercle) of the mandible. · Insertion. The geniohyoid inserts on the superior ...
This slender muscle takes origin from the middle of the styloid process (temporal bone) and gets inserted to the hyoid bone (junction of the body and greater ...
Oct 15, 2015 · The geniohyoid muscle belongs to the four suprahyoid muscles and extends from the mandible to the hyoid bone, forming the floor of the mouth ...
SUMMARY: The geniohyoid muscle is one of the suprahyoid muslces, and arises from the inferior mental spine and inserts into the hyoid.
Origin: intermandibular articulation ; Insertion: basihyoid bone ; Action: draw the hyoid apparatus cranially as during swallowing and to maintain a patent airway.
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