Video for Rotationplasty prosthesis
Apr 20, 2019 · ... prosthesis. The patient's foot fits inside the socket of the prosthesis and the ankle functions ...
Duration: 1:41
Posted: Apr 20, 2019
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Rotationplasty is a limb salvage procedure that preserves the lower part of your leg after removing the knee. It's an alternative to amputation above the knee.
Rotationplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat bone tumors in children that occur near the knee. Learn more from Boston Children's Hospital.
Rotationplasty is a functional surgical procedure for children undergoing resection of a malignant bone tumor around the knee joint.
The foot fits down into a prosthetic leg. Essentially it turns an above-the-knee amputation into a below-the-knee amputation and affords the patient better ...
Rotationplasty, also called Van Nes rotationplasty, is a rarely done surgical procedure where the patient's lower leg is rotated backwards and the joints ...
Video for Rotationplasty prosthesis
Dec 3, 2014 · 16years ago, a little girl had groundbreaking surgery for osteosarcoma. The rare cancer involved ...
Duration: 3:19
Posted: Dec 3, 2014
Mar 3, 2016 · The procedure involves resecting the knee while retaining the femoral artery and sciatic nerve. The distal segment is rotated 180 degrees and ...
All 12 patients were successfully fitted with a definitive prosthesis. Three patients were fitted within 90 days; two of these three patients did not require ...