Examples of adeno-
  • adenocarcinoma.
  • adenocellulitis.
  • adenocystoma.
  • adenochondroma.
  • adenology.
  • adenomere.
People also ask
Prefix referring to a gland, as in adenoma and adenopathy. From the Greek aden meaning originally an acorn and later a gland in the form of an acorn.
The meaning of ADENO- is gland : adenoid. How to use adeno- in a sentence.
Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that may affect various organs. It is derived from the word “adeno” meaning 'pertaining to a gland' and “carcinoma” meaning ...
Examples of 'adenocarcinoma' in a sentence. adenocarcinoma · Biopsies showed multiple adenomata and an invasive adenocarcinoma at the splenic flexure. · Computed ...
aden- (adeno-) combining form denoting a gland or glands. Examples: adenalgia (pain in); adenogenesis (development of); adenopathy (disease of).
Adenosclerosis is the medical term for hardening of a gland. -sclerosis means a hardening of the tissue. 'When that suffix is combined with aden/o, it means ...
The meaning of ADENO-ASSOCIATED VIRUS is any of several single-stranded DNA viruses (genus Dependovirus of the family Parvoviridae) that enter the nucleus ...
Body Parts and Disorders ; aden-, adeno-, gland ; adip-, adipo-, fat ; adren-, adreno-, gland ; angi-, angio-, blood vessel.
a combining form meaning “gland”: adenovirus. [< Greek, comb. form of adḗn gland; akin to Latin inguen groin]