A positive Babinski sign means that during the plantar reflex test, your big toe lifted and your other toes spread out. A positive Babinski sign is normal for children under 2 years of age. It's abnormal for children older than 2 years or adults. It may be a sign of an underlying central nervous system condition.
Aug 19, 2024
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This normal response is termed the flexor plantar reflex. In some patients, stroking the sole produces extension (dorsiflexion) of the big toe, often with ...
Feb 15, 2024 · The Babinski test is used to assess for problems in the CST, and a positive Babinski reflex test may mean that you have a neurological problem.
Jan 23, 2023 · The Babinski reflex occurs after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. The big toe then moves upward or toward the top surface of the foot.
A positive response involves reflex flexion of the thumb and fingers and is commonly observed in myelopathic patients with cervical spinal cord compression. A ...
[10] The Babinski reflex is indicative of dysfunction of the CST. Often, it is the first indication of spinal cord injury after acute trauma. Care must be ...
The plantar reflex is a reflex elicited when the sole of the foot is stimulated with a blunt instrument. The reflex can take one of two forms.
This eponym refers to the dorsiflexion of the great toe with or without fanning of the other toes and withdrawal of the leg, on plantar stimulation.
Video for Plantar reflex positive
Mar 29, 2016 · Testing the Babinski reflex (plantar reflex) for a Babinski sign that is positive/abnormal and ...
Duration: 2:57
Posted: Mar 29, 2016