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Jun 29, 2023 · "Los dias raros" appears to be a contemplative song about embracing uncertainty, adapting to change, and striving for personal growth even in challenging times.
Feb 2, 2015 · English translation · The strange days · Los días raros. Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish).
La escuela puede ofrecerle un descanso activo hasta en los días raros de calma. The school can offer you active leisure also in rare days of calm.
Jun 29, 2023 · "Los días raros - comentario" by Vetusta Morla explores the idea of navigating through life's uncertainties and embracing the unexpected.
English translation of lyrics for Los Días Raros by Vetusta Morla. ¡Ábrelo! Ábrelo despacio Di qué ves Dime qué ves, si hay algo Un manantial Breve y fugaz.
Many translated example sentences containing "raros son los días" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.
The lyrics describe the protagonist's experience of strange days. They talk about a brief and fleeting moment of something between their hands, and the need to ...
Ayer fue un día raro, y una noche rara. Yesterday was a weird day, and a weird night. Ha sido un día raro para todos. It's been a weird day for everybody.
Vetusta Morla - Los Días Raros ; acabar. to finish ; la celofán. cellophane ; descubrir. to discover.
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'Los Días Raros', is the opening song of Mapas. A song that by its position and development seems like a declaration of intentions, a demonstration of strength.