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In moral philosophy, deontological ethics or deontology is the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that ...
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Referencing an age-wise comparative study, it's reported that patients of COVID 19 who are over. 55 had increased mortality (three times), hospital- ization, ...
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Deontoloji ... Approximately 10 % of the sample stated that the age of patient was an important factor in physician patient ...
Prof. Dr. René Leriche was a famous French surgeon who lived between 1879 and 1955. After working as a vascular surgeon in Lyon, he was appointed professor ...
First age, middle age, modern age. 5, Veterinary practices in different civillisations (India, Egypt, China, Greece, Byzantium, Rome etc.) and veterinary ...
The early diagnosis of the patients with diabetes at the age of 30 or older and retinal examinations of those patients will lead to earlier diagnosis; and the ...
bad news considering the patient's age, dynamics of death (sudden vs. expected), cause of death, social status of the family (in the aspect of those ...
ÖZET. İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda, toplumsal ilişkilerde ahlaki değerler ile ilgili yaşanan sıkıntılar ve ahlaki belirsizliklerin varlığı her mecrada kendini ...
This study was designed to evaluate nurses' understanding of implementation of patient rights and their tendency to patient advocacy and to test the adequacy of ...
Bu çalışmanın ana teması John Stuart Mill ve Immanuel Kant'ın ahlaka ilişkin görüşlerini temsilcisi oldukları teleolojik ve deontolojik etik kuramlar ...