Stand by Me Doraemon 2 is a 2020 Japanese animated science fiction comedy film based on the Doraemon manga series and a sequel to the previous movie, ...
Nobita travels to the future to show his beloved grandma his bride, but adult Nobita has fled his own wedding. Can he ever be a good husband to Shizuka?
Puan (5.118)
Nobita travels to the future to show his beloved grandma his bride, but adult Nobita has fled his own wedding. Can he ever be a good husband to Shizuka?

Doreamon 2 (Stand by Me Doraemon 2)

2020 ‧ Çocuk/Komedi ‧ 1 saat 36 dakika
7,5/10 · IMDb %95 · Rotten Tomatoes
Stand by Me Doraemon 2, yönetmenliğini Ryuichi Yagi ve Takashi Yamazaki'nin yaptığı ve senaryosunu Takashi Yamazaki'nin yazdığı 2020 yapımı bir Japon macera anime filmidir. Vikipedi
Gösterime giriş tarihi: 20 Kasım 2020 (Japonya)
Uyarlandığı eser: Doraemon
Synopsis. A cat-shaped robot, Doraemon, from the 22nd century. On the day of now when Doraemon and Nobita are together, Nobita finds a stuffed bear in the room, ...
Puan (6)
Nobita travels to the future to show his beloved grandma his bride, but adult Nobita has fled his own wedding. Can he ever be a good husband to Shizuka?
2 Şub 2024 · I rewatched Stand By Me 2 after a long time. I've heard people compare it with part 1 and other Doraemon films. Some believe it was better than part 1 while ...
Stand by Me Doraemon 2 ile ilgili video
2 Ara 2021 · Nobita travels to the future to show his beloved grandma his bride, but adult Nobita has fled his ...
Süre: 1:55
Yayınlanma: 2 Ara 2021
14 Kas 2022 · Stand by Me Doraemon 2 (2020) (English dubbed) ... Released date: November 20, 2020. Running time: 96 minutes.
Stand by Me Doraemon 2 is a CGI Doraemon Film Series movie released in 2020 that serves as the sequel of Stand by Me Doraemon. It summarizes what Doraemon's ...
26 Kas 2021 · The first Stand By Me Doraemon film has been in limbo for ages in terms of a legal and viewable release in the US and several other English speaking countries.