Stand by Me Doraemon is a 2014 Japanese animated science fiction comedy-drama film based on the Doraemon manga series and directed by Ryūichi Yagi and ...
In the suburbs of Tokyo some time ago, there lived a clumsy boy about 10 years old. There appeared in front of him named Sewashi, Nobita's descendant of ...
Fourth-grader Nobita Nobi tries to improve his present life so that his loyal cat robot, Doraemon, can return to his home in the future.
Stand by Me Doraemon
G · 2014 ‧ Çocuk/Macera ‧ 1 saat 35 dakika
7,3/10 · IMDb
%74 · Rotten Tomatoes
Stand by Me Doraemon Doraemon manga serisine dayananve Ryūichi Yagi ve Takashi Yamazaki tarafından yönetilen 2014 Japon bilgisayar animasyonlu bilimkurgu komedi drama filmidir. 8 Ağustos 2014'te gösterime girdi. Doraemon serisinin en çok hasılat... Vikipedi
Gösterime giriş tarihi: 24 Ekim 2014 (ABD)
Yönetmenleri: Takashi Yamazaki ve Ryūichi Yagi
Uyarlandığı eser: Doraemon
Diğer sorular
What happened to Doraemon in Stand by Me?
Is Stand by Me Doraemon 1 and 2 connected?
What is the movie Stand by Me Doraemon about?
Is Stand By Me Doraemon emotional?
A 2014 Japanese 3D computer animated anthology film based on the Doraemon manga series and directed by Takashi Yamazaki and Ryūichi Yagi.
Doraemon Stand By Me ; Dubbed: Catalan, Basque, Spanish ; Aspect Ratio, 2.35:1 ; ASIN, B014VZALNU ; Customer Reviews, 4.2 out of 5 stars 103Reviews ; Additional ...
A robotic cat from the 22nd century helps a boy in the present tackle life's various troubles.
Stand by Me Doraemon (Japanese: STAND BY ME ドラえもん) is a 2014 Japanese3D computer-animated science fiction comedy-drama film based on the Doraemon manga ...
Details · Release date · September 19, 2024 (Japan) · Country of origin. Japan · Language. Japanese · Filming locations · Tokyo, Japan(location) · Production ...
Nobita Nobi is an elementary student who hates studying, is bad at sports, and does everything half-heartedly. He is a pushover, unlucky, and fearful of ...
Stand by Me Doraemon is a Doraemon movie released in 2014, the first CGI installment of the Doraemon Film Series. It summarizes what Doraemon's all about, …
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