If your basophil level is low, it may be due to a severe allergic reaction. If you develop an infection, it may take longer to heal. In some cases, having too many basophils can be caused by certain blood cancers. Your doctor can determine whether your white blood cell count falls within an acceptable range.
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Jun 14, 2022 · What causes my basophil count to be too low? Basopenia could be the result of your basophils working overtime to attack an allergen or treat ...
Apr 30, 2023 · Low basophil level. Low levels of basophils can indicate other basophilic disorders. Some of these include: Cancer; Acute infection; A serious ...
Aug 31, 2024 · Too many or too few basophils can indicate inflammation, thyroid conditions, certain cancers, or other underlying health conditions. Healthcare ...
If basophil levels are low, it may be a sign of an allergic reaction or another condition. High basophil levels may indicate an autoimmune disease or one of ...
Often, a low basophils count is related to an allergic reaction which is putting the basophils into overdrive. In these cases, symptoms will include watery eyes ...
A decrease in the number of basophils (basopenia) can occur as a response to thyrotoxicosis, acute hypersensitivity reactions, and infections.
Basophilia is a symptom of underlying medical conditions that cause your basophil count to be too high or too low. Your healthcare provider will perform ...
Apr 8, 2024 · What Does a Low Basophil Count Mean? · Acute infections · Certain medications (e.g., prolonged steroid use) · Certain treatments (e.g., radiation ...
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