Grippe is an old fashioned word for the flu — the virus that can give you a fever, sore throat, and a headache. If you fear you're coming down with the grippe, you might spend the day in bed drinking tea.
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What is the original word for flu?
What was the flu originally called?
What is a fancy word for the flu?
What is the archaic word for the flu?
Grippe. Grippe can be any kind of contagious viral disease, but traditionally it was used for what we now call influenza.
Old-fashioned term for the flu – Crossword Clue ; grippe. 6 ; monkey. 6.
Influenza comes from Italian, from the Medieval Latin word influentia meaning "influence." It was used to describe epidemics because of the belief that they ...
Here are all the Old-fashioned term for the flu answers. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, ...
... influenza. Synonyms: cold, coryza. Catarrhal bronchitis is acute ... Inflammation: the classic definition comes from the Roman physician Celsus ...
“La influenza” is coined La influenza comes from Italian, meaning "visitation" or "influence." In 1357, people called an epidemic in Florence, Italy “influenza ...
Eksik: fashioned | Şu terimi ara:fashioned
The 1918–1920 flu pandemic, also known as the Great Influenza epidemic or by the common misnomer Spanish flu, was an exceptionally deadly global influenza ...
9 Eki 2023 · Outdated Disease Names · Ablepsy: blindness · Ague: flu-like symptoms likely caused by malaria · Apoplexy: stroke3 · Barrel fever: alcoholism ...
The answer for the clue: Old-fashioned term for the flu Answers. is: G R I P P E. « Previous All Puzzle 1 Answers Next ». About CodyCross.