The glossopharyngeal nerve is the 9th cranial nerve (CN IX). It is 1 of the 4 cranial nerves with sensory, motor, and parasympathetic functions. It originates from the medulla oblongata and terminates in the pharynx.
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The glossopharyngeal nerve supports many mouth and neck structures. Cranial nerve 9 (CN IX) provides motor, parasympathetic and sensory innervation.
Oct 25, 2020 ˇ The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies sensory innervation to the oropharynx, and thus carries the afferent information for the gag reflex. When a ...
The glossopharyngeal nerve also known as the ninth cranial nerve, cranial nerve IX, or simply CN IX, is a cranial nerve that exits the brainstem from the ...
Definition. Glossopharyngeal nerve lesions produce difficulty swallowing; impairment of taste over the posterior one-third of the tongue and palate; ...
This nucleus contains neurons that provide motor innervation to several muscles of the soft palate, the pharynx, the larynx and the upper part of the esophagus.
Oct 6, 2022 ˇ The glossopharyngeal nerve (also known as cranial nerve 9) is the ninth of the cranial nerves arising from the brainstem. This nerve carries ...
The lower cranial nerves innervate the pharynx and larynx by the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) (mixed) nerves, and provide motor innervation of ...
The glossopharyngeal nerve (Cranial Nerve IX) is a mixed nerve which transmits both motor (efferent) and sensory (afferent) impulses with contribution from four ...