As you make your way through the book's extensive tutorials, you'll learn how to start a project and tackle topics like versioning, layouts, coding style, and automated checks.
Provides information on the Python 2.7 library offering code and output examples for working with such tasks as text, data types, algorithms, math, file systems, networking, XML, email, and runtime.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This second edition of Foundations of Python Network Programming targets Python 2.5 through Python 2.7, the most popular production versions of the language.
But once you've learnt them, you are on your own designing your application and discovering best practices. In this book, we'll see how to leverage Python to efficiently tackle your problems and build great Python applications.
This book will demonstrate that a system where anyone can edit, share, and review the body of work will lead not just to something that works, but eventually to the best that the world can achieve!
Advances in Genetic Programming reports significant results in improving the power of genetic programming, presenting techniques that can be employed immediately in the solution of complex problems in many areas, including machine learning ...
“A near-future layering of East and West, of religion and technology . . . and of love and its loss—all woven into an intriguing tapestry.” —Diana Gabaldon, bestselling author of the Outlander series Winner of the Homer Award for ...