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Learn to pronounce ex·am·ine

  1. inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature or condition; investigate thoroughly.
    "a doctor examined me and said I might need a caesarean"
    synonyms: inspect, survey, scrutinize, look at, look into, inquire into, study, investigate, scan, sift, delve into, dig into, explore, probe, check out, consider, appraise, weigh, weigh up, analyze, review, vet, subject to an examination
  2. test the knowledge or proficiency of (someone) by requiring them to answer questions or perform tasks.
    "the colleges set standards by examining candidates"
    synonyms: test, quiz, question, set an examination for, assess, appraise
  3. formally question (a witness) in court.
    synonyms: interrogate, put questions to, ask questions of, quiz, question, cross-examine, cross-question, catechize, give the third degree to, probe, sound out, grill, pump, put through the wringer, put through the mangle

People also ask
1. a : to inspect closely b : to test the condition of c : to inquire into carefully : investigate 2. a : to interrogate closely examine a prisoner.
to check or study something carefully, especially to prove an idea, learn new information, or discover possible problems: thoroughly/closely ...
to observe, test, or investigate (a person's body or any part of it), especially in order to evaluate general health or determine the cause of illness.
4 senses: 1. to look at, inspect, or scrutinize carefully or in detail; investigate 2. education to test the knowledge or skill.
EXAMINE meaning: 1 : to look at (something) closely and carefully in order to learn more about it, to find problems, etc.; 2 : to test or look carefully at ...
The verb examine means to study something carefully and in great detail. You can examine a book, a painting, a person's face and so on.
Sep 4, 2024 · to look at someone or something very carefully, especially to try to discover something: She picked up the knife and examined it closely.
Some common synonyms of examine are inspect, scan, and scrutinize. While all these words mean "to look at or over," examine suggests a scrutiny in order to ...
1. to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it. A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreck.
1to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. · 2to look at someone or something closely, to see if there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a problem ...