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In the book "The lies about Muhammad", well known American Muslim scholar Moustafa Zayed refutes the historical errors and allegations in the New York Times Bestseller book "The Truth about Muhammad" by Robert Spencer.
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In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul identifies five crucial disciplines that the Lord uses to stretch and strengthen us in our spiritual growth.
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Looks at partnerships between local small farms and nearby consumers, who become members or subscribers in support of the farm, offering advice on acquiring land, organizing, handling the harvest, and money and legal matters.
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We often give our own needs, wants, and goals first priority. But what is God's design for our marriages? With clarity and conviction, Christopher Ash turns us away from marriage for ourselves and toward marriage in the service of God.
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" This book is for the stuck ones - those whose first chapters were ones of abuse, abandonment, neglect, or confusion.In Your Second Chapter, I ?outline what stuck looks like?help you identify what holds you captive ?give you the tools ...
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In Turkey, since the middle of the 1940s, gecekondu (squatter) settlements have emerged in an urban context characterised by rapid rural-to-urban migration, inefficient administrative structures and intense land speculation.
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This book includes a set of trialled resources for each module such as a Textbook; a Workbook with a set of summary notes; a Teacher and Technician Guide with schemes of work covering the course, including assessments, homeworks, cover ...
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