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In the book "The lies about Muhammad", well known American Muslim scholar Moustafa Zayed refutes the historical errors and allegations in the New York Times Bestseller book "The Truth about Muhammad" by Robert Spencer.
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In The Lost Ways II you'll find the long forgotten secrets that helped our ancestors survive famines, wars, economic crises, diseases, droughts, and anything else life threw at them.
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Responding to the need for organizations to improve global strategic planning and execution, this book presents a framework for effectively conceiving and executing new concepts for international markets.
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Looks at partnerships between local small farms and nearby consumers, who become members or subscribers in support of the farm, offering advice on acquiring land, organizing, handling the harvest, and money and legal matters.
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This book is written primarily for the family to help solve the meat problem and to augment the food supply.
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In this comprehensive account, Cobb offers new insight into "the most southern place on earth," untangling the enigma of grindingly poor but prolifically creative Mississippi Delta.
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A massive collection of photographic and and detailed analysis is contained in this book, as well as on site observations by leading engineers.
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This new edition takes into account recent developments in the teaching of phonology. It includes updated references, fuller coverage of intonation, and a new chapter on different varieties of English with illustrative recorded material.
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