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Hümeyra Sevgülü Haciibrahimoğlu Abdullah Demir. Saffar, Allah'ın bütün günahları bağışlayacağına değinmekte ve “Allah ... Saffâr'a göre mukayyed bir manadır. Zira tövbe şirkin sahibinden mutlak manada bu vasfın düşmesine sebep olur ... sitesinden saffar
In December of 1845, Muhammad as-Saffar was sent by the reigning Moroccan sultan on a special diplomatic mission to Paris. sitesinden saffar
In December of 1845, Muhammad as-Saffar was sent by the reigning Moroccan sultan on a special diplomatic mission to Paris. During the journey, as-Saffar took careful notes and upon his return he hurriedly wrote this travel account. sitesinden saffar
... Saffar Muhammed As-Saffar Susan Gilson Miller. of income and expenditures , without referring to as - Saffar . " As- Şaffar complained to the Sultan , who removed the offending offi- cial . Thereafter , Gharrit continues , aş - Şaffar ... sitesinden saffar
And it is only as she comes out of the box to find that no time has passed that she is mesmerized. The Eternal Box takes the world by storm, and Selda Demir, horrified, watches it consume humanity… sitesinden saffar
... SAFFAR NADER EL - BIZRI Abu l - Qasim Ahmad ibn ' Abd Allah ibn ' Umar al - Gafiqi al - Andalusi , better known as Ibn al - Saffar ( " son of the coppersmith " ) , was a great astronomer in al - Andalus , and one of the most important ... sitesinden saffar
... SAFFAR . He didn't say the Government didn't . The CHAIRMAN . He must have said something . Senator FERGUSON . Did he say they did ? Mr. SAFFAR . I came in with my acceptance . Mr. HALLEY . Were you in there protesting about it ? Mr. SAFFAR ...