leukoplakia from
In Hungary, studies of oral leukoplakia have a century-long tradition.
leukoplakia from
In addition to providing a scientific and evidence-based survey of the disparate sources of oral precancer research, this book presents practical information, proposing a rational basis for an interventional clinical management protocol.
leukoplakia from
This cutting-edge book is a quick reference guide to the evidence-based evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the broad spectrum of orofacial disorders.
leukoplakia from
Highlighting the available evidence base, this books is the most authoritative manual for clinicians based upon the risks and benefits of the procedure across all indications with special emphasis on a comprehensive review of the many skin ...
leukoplakia from
In this book we cover relevant anatomy, biology, diagnosis and latest management strategies for pre-cancerous conditions that affect the oral mucosa.
leukoplakia from
The text guides students through the process of evaluating patient responses and clinical signs so as to limit the differential and ultimately arrive at a definitive diagnosis, and developing appropriate management and treatment.