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About the Book Books about Football describe the team sports that involve, to lesser or greater degrees, the activity of kicking a ball to score points.
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As the outcome of the sixth international congress, the papers in this volume cover a wide range of topics related to the main theme of the conference, titled “Current Debates in Social Sciences”, and basically focus on politics and ...
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The World Social Forum at Porto Alegre has popularized the slogan 'Another World is Possible'. But what is that world? Alex Callinicos seeks to answer these questions in An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto.
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In doing so, this book not only addresses traditional security concerns for naval power but also examines responses to contemporary maritime security threats, such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, piracy, drug-trafficking, ...
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The novel traces Râkim and Felâtun’s relationships with multiple characters, charting their romances and passions, as well as their foibles and amusing mishaps as they struggle to find and follow their own path through the many ...
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This is a field which covers many disciplines including literary theory, cultural studies, philosophy, geography, economics, history and politics.
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The reaction of seven different people to an announcement by the Turkish government of a night curfew. A study of the human spirit and its aversion to the limitation of personal freedom.