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... Fenerbahçeli Barış var. İkisi birden büronun tek Galatasaraylısı Zeliha'ya saldırır dururlar. O da Cimbom adına ... Hukukçular Derneği” adı altında bir dernek kurmuş olan bir avuç avukat Baroyu basmışlar. Baro Başkanına ve yönetime ...
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In this book, Emir Kaya offers an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of this vital institution.
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This book provides an entry point for every part of the Convention: the substance of the rights, the workings of the Court, and the enforcement of its judgments.
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The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process surveys the topics and issues in the field of criminal process, including the laws, institutions, and practices of the criminal justice administration.
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But in this book, Ceren Lord shows how Islamist mobilisation in Turkey has been facilitated from within the state by institutions established during early nation-building.
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In this book, Erik Luna and Marianne Wade examine the considerable powers of the American prosecutor and look abroad in order to learn valuable lessons from a transnational examination of prosecutorial authority.
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This English edition of The Catechism of Positive Religion was published in 1891, thirty-four years after the death of Comte, the French philosopher of science and politics and founder of positivism, whose work was widely read in the later ...