Massimo Di Pierro. 7 gluon/ gluon/ 8 gluon/ gluon/ 9 gluon/ 10 gluon ..." developed by Allan Saddi) and which is a script to interface with many different web. 1 1 ...
... python scripts could implement the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface). In this case, we can just use a WSGI-FastCGI wrapper. Looking on the Web, I already found two: one standalone ( lib/trunk/, and one ...
... FastCGI is available for Apache and other free web servers , but at the time of this writing not for Microsoft IIS . See for FastCGI overviews and details . Go to for a pure Python ...
... pour une présentation de complète de FastCGI . Vous trouverez sur python / une interface à FastCGI en Python pur , permettant aux scripts d'exploiter FastCGI s'il est disponible et de se rabattre ...
... Pí . D. , F. C. G. I. The term glucoside is applied to numerous substances possessing the common property of yielding glucose ( dextrose ) or an analogous compound of the sugar group as one of the products of hydrolysis on treatment ...
... fcgi ? cmd = Retrieve & db = PubMed & dop t = Citation & list_uids = 3572513 55. Dormont D , Gelbert F , Assouline E , et al . MR imag- ing of spinal cord arteriovenous malformations at 0.5 T : study of 34 cases . AJNR Am J Neuroradiol ...
... fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation& list_uids = 17904655 . Shin , L. M. , Kosslyn , S. M. , McNally , R. J. , Alpert , N. M. , Thompson , W. L. , Rauch , S. L. , ... Pitman , R. K. ( 1997 ) . Visual imagery and perception in ...
... fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_ uids=11724885. Kenyon, T. A., Valway, S. E., Ihle, W. W., et al. (1996). Transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during a long airplane flight. N Engl J Med 334:933 ...