Did you mean: exanthem subitum
Jul 4, 2023 · Roseola infantum, also known as exanthema subitum or sixth disease, typically presents in children between six and 12 months of age; ninety ...
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Exanthem subitum (meaning sudden rash), also referred to as roseola infantum (or rose rash of infants), sixth disease (as the sixth rash-causing childhood ...
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An exanthem is a widespread rash occurring on the outside of the body and usually occurring in children. It is usually caused by a virus, but an exanthem ...
Roseola is caused by infection with a virus called human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6). Almost all children have been infected with HHV-6 by the age of 2 years.
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May 15, 2023 · xEanthema subitum kaldes også tredagesfeber eller roseola infantum. Sygdommen er en viral eksantemsygdom.
Exanthema subitum er en virussykdom med utslett som er kjent under mange andre navn, bl.a. den fjerde barnesykdom.
Roseola, also known as sixth disease, is an infectious disease caused by certain types of human herpes viruses.
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Human herpes virüs tip 6 (HHV-6) çocuklarda özellikle yaşamın ilk iki yılında görülen benign, ateşli bir hasta- lık olan eksantem subitum'a (ES) neden olur ...
Roseola is a viral infection that commonly affects infants and young children. It involves a pinkish-red skin rash and high fever. Exanthem subitum; Sixth…
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Penyakit eksantema merupakan penyakit yang sering ditemukan pada anak terutama pada awal masa perkembangan seorang anak. Walaupun penyakit eksantema sering.