- (forming verbs and their derivatives) down; away."descend"
- (added to verbs and their derivatives) denoting removal or reversal."deaerate"
- denoting formation from."deverbal"
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What does the abbreviation DE stand for? Meaning: defensive end. How to use DE in a sentence.
Deere & Company engages in the manufacture and distribution of various equipment worldwide. The company operates through four segments: Production and ...
De definition: from; of (used in French, Spanish, and Portuguese personal names, originally to indicate place of origin). See examples of DE used in a ...
The official website of the State of Delaware. Find information about state government, programs, and services. The First State is located in the Northeast ...
definite article, equivalent to "the", used before adjectives used with plural nouns; also used before adjectives converted to nouns. Usually capitalised as "De ...
DE- meaning: 1 : do the opposite of; 2 : remove (a specified thing) from something.
1. away from, off debar, derail 2. down degrade, decline 3. wholly, entirely defunct 4. reverse the action of; undo defrost, decode
From Latin dē-, from the preposition dē (“of”, “from”). For sense development, compare Old English æf-, which was a similar prefix.
used to add the meaning "opposite," "remove," or "reduce" to a noun or verb: deforestation, the denationalization of the coal industry.