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This pioneering soccer book chronicles the evolution of the sport and how it has affected the lives of players, coaches, and fans–perfect for those who adore the timeless game.
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A concise introduction to Turkish grammar, designed specifically for English-speaking students and professionals.
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... bekler gibi duruyordu. -Selamünaleyküm Ramis usta. İşine o kadar tutkuyla bağlı çalışıyordu ki ne içeri ... sol gözü hafifçe sol tarafına kayıktı. Kahverengi gözleri, kalın kaşları, artık sigaradan morarmış kalın dudakları ...
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A favorite among residents and pulmonary fellows, this text provides all the information needed to evaluate and manage respiratory diseases and critically ill patients and to pass the American Board of Internal Medicine's subspecialty exam ...
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This book is a product of the need of understanding the new debates both from the perspective of business management and economics. The first part discusses accounting education and accountancy.
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This book introduce neurourology as an emerging interdisciplinary area that covers the basic and clinical studies of the neural control on the normal lower urinary tract and the lower/upper urinary tract dysfunction due to neuropathy ...
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... bek- leyebilirsiniz” diyerek oturacağı yeri gösterdi görevli. “Teşekkür ederim,” diye karşılık veren Saruhan ... sol omzuna do- kundu ve “Tamam, artık çıkabiliriz Saruhan Bey,” dedi. Saruhan hiçbir şey söylemeden oradan uzaklaştı ...
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... Bek- lendiği gibi çok kızmış bizimki . “ Bu yaşta mı ? diye sorarım , " de- miş . Bay William renk vermemeye çalışmış ama aslında bok gi- bi olmuş ... Sonuçsa malum ... Bayan Jane'e de çok kızmış Hesna . William Büyük Patronun sol ...
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This book analyzes the factors that shape business activity in Republican Turkey and examines the presence of some of these factors in other societies with highly different cultures and histories.