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The book explores a range of conceptual, methodological and empirical issues concerned with the application of needs-based resource allocation in education via formula funding of schools.
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Studies in Islamic Civilization draws upon the works of Western scholars to make the case that without the tremendous contribution of the Muslim world there would have been no Renaissance in Europe.
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This book is about personal names, something of abiding interest to specialists and lay readers alike. Over a million people have checked the American Name Society website since 1996, for instance.
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" - Prof. Max Statkiewicz, University of Wisconsin-Madison Kamal Abdulla is a professor of linguistics in Baku, Azerbaijan. This novel has been published in French, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Arabic, and Portuguese.
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"Siyavush of Our Century" was written by political visionary Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh (1884-1955) who headed the Musavat Party and helped set up the Azerbaijan parliamentary democratic republic in 1918, the first such republic of Turks and ...
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Complete with a chronology, a note to readers, illustrations, and extensive cross-referencing, this is a fascinating, practical guide to readers of Chaucer at every level.
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Contents: Introduction, The Correlation, The Attitudes, The Concept, Objectives and Aims, Role of Teacher, Teaching Aids, Teaching Methods-1, Teaching Methods-2, Planning Lessons, Process of Enrichment, The Curriculum, Process of Evaluation ...
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A TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR Drawing on an exceptional combination of skills as literary biographer, novelist, and chronicler of London history, Peter Ackroyd surely re-creates the world that shaped Shakespeare--and ...