Beatrice "Bice" di Folco Portinari was an Italian woman who has been commonly identified as the principal inspiration for Dante Alighieri's Vita Nuova, ...
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Beatrice Portinari

Beatrice Portinari

Beatrice "Bice" di Folco Portinari was an Italian woman who has been commonly identified as the principal inspiration for Dante Alighieri's Vita Nuova, and is also identified with the Beatrice who acts ... Wikipedia
Born: 1265, Florence, Italy
Died: June 8, 1290 (age 25 years), Florence, Italy
Spouse: Simone dei Bardi (m. 1287–1290)
Full name: Beatrice di Folco Portinari

Aug 20, 2024 · Beatrice is usually identified as Beatrice Portinari, the daughter of a noble Florentine family, who married Simone de' Bardi and died at ...
Dec 14, 2016 · Beatrice was the daughter of Folco Portinari, a banker and one of the Priors of Florence in 1282. The Portinari, a family that originated from ...
Beatrice Portinari died at the age of 24 casting Dante into a world of grief in which he could only be consoled through literature.
Jun 8, 2023 · Beatrice Portinari, the Florentine girl with whom the poet Dante had a lifelong infatuation, died on June 9, 1290, aged just 25.
Mar 13, 2023 · Beatrice served as Dante's muse in many of his works. His first was a series of courtly love poems. They were combined into the Vita Nuova ...
Beatrice Portinari is considered to have been the inspiration for the poet's greatest life works, though he only possibly met her a handful of times. Though ...
Beatrice was the first woman of Italian literature to leave an indelible trace in the heart of every reader. Sung by Dante in the unforgettable verses of his ...
Oct 19, 2012 · Beatrice was indeed a real woman: Beatrice, usually known as Bice (that's BEE-chay, rhyming with eBay, not with mice, lice, or rice), the daughter of ...