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Dec 27, 2022 · We hypothesize a novel origin for Auer body development in promyeloblasts of APL, namely that they originate from peroxidase-positive and expanded rER ...
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Auer bodies are formed from azurophilic granules, a circumstance first postulated by Nakashima in 1924.
Rod-shaped structures, present in the cytoplasm of myeloblasts, myelocytes, and monoblasts, found in leukemia. Also called Auer rods.
Auer rods are pink or red-stained needle-shaped structures seen in the cytoplasm of myeloid cells, containing agglomeration of azurophilic granules ...
Auer bodies are rod-shaped inclusions formed from azurophilic granules. 1 These structures have long been recognized in the blast cells of certain patients ...
... Auer bodies are formed from azurophilic granules, a ... Therefore the Auer body actually represents an unusual form, or abnormal development, of lysosomes.
Auer body (AB) precursors were identified in a case of poorly differentiated acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). They consist of azurophilic granules ...
The peripheral blood of four patients with acute myelogenous leukemia was used to study the relationship between the granules and the Auer bodies.
A pink, round or rod-shaped, splinter- or “jackstraw”-like inclusion seen in the cytoplasm of lymphoblasts in immature granulocytes, and occasionally in ...
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