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For Nell Marchwold, bliss is seeing the transformation when someone gets a glimpse in the mirror while wearing one of her creations and feels beautiful.
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In the book "The lies about Muhammad", well known American Muslim scholar Moustafa Zayed refutes the historical errors and allegations in the New York Times Bestseller book "The Truth about Muhammad" by Robert Spencer.
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In Life in Freedom Michael Amaladoss analyzes the many rich and complex strands of Asian religious thought on the notion and nature of the path toward liberation.
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We often give our own needs, wants, and goals first priority. But what is God's design for our marriages? With clarity and conviction, Christopher Ash turns us away from marriage for ourselves and toward marriage in the service of God.
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Responding to the need for organizations to improve global strategic planning and execution, this book presents a framework for effectively conceiving and executing new concepts for international markets.
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Pieris confronts two of the most urgent and complex questions facing Christians today - so many poor people and so many religions.
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"This textbook is designed to help Marines link concepts of culture to the realities of planning and executing military operations around the world." -- p. 2.
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