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"Under Pressure" is a song by the British rock band Queen and singer David Bowie. Originally released as a single in October 1981.
Diğer sorular
Who wrote Under Pressure, David Bowie or Queen?
Did David Bowie and Queen perform Under Pressure together?
Who did Queen sue for Under Pressure?
Who owns the song Under Pressure?
Listen to Under Pressure - Remastered 2011 on Spotify. Song · Queen, David Bowie · 1982.
Explore pressure under and above water. See how pressure changes as you change fluids, gravity, container shapes, and volume.
19 Ağu 2021 · Colleges are struggling to meet the surging demand for mental health services on campus, and some schools are wrestling with how much care they owe students.
23 Kas 2020 · Long hours and a lack of job security, combined with workplace bullying and discrimination, are forcing many to consider leaving science.
3 gün önce · 1. tightly pressed into a container The contents of the bottle are under pressure. 2. in a state of stress or anxiety because of having too much to do.