May 3, 2022 · Terry's nails is a type of nail discoloration. The nailbeds look “washed out,” except for a thin reddish-brown strip near the tip.
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Dec 17, 2019 · Terry's nails are entirely white with a red or brownish band at the tip. They also have a unique appearance that resembles ground glass.

Terry's nails

Terry's nails is a physical condition in which a person's fingernails or toenails appear white with a characteristic "ground glass" appearance without any lunula. Wikipedia
Treatment: Directed at underlying condition
Causes: changes in vascularity and connective tissue of nail bed
Differential diagnosis: Lindsay's nails
Terry's nails can also be an indication of an underlying medical condition, most notably, cirrhosis, chronic renal failure, and congestive heart failure.
An example of spoon nails. Terry's nails. In the condition called Terry's nails, most of the fingernail looks white except for a narrow red or pink band at the ...
Terry's nails is a physical condition in which a person's fingernails or toenails : 659 appear white with a characteristic "ground glass" appearance without ...
Terry's nails are associated with a red to brownish transverse band of the distal fingernail-bed. Their occurence is strongly associated with hepatic cirrhosis, ...
Jun 30, 2023 · Terry's nails are a type of apparent leukonychia, characterised by ground glass opacification of almost the entire nail; distal narrow band of ...
Terry's nails are a form of “apparent leukonychia” as the whitened appearance is because of changes in the nail bed and not the nail plate per se.
Terry's nail is defined as a 0.5–3.0 mm brown to pink distal band with proximal nail bed whiteness occupying approximately 80 % of nail bed.
8 In our 2 patients, Terry's nails might have reflected an early sign of a developing underlying systemic disease. Thus, it is presumable that most likely ...