Macula (stain or spot) is typified by the scar in the photo. It can be seen with proper illumination. Leucoma (white) is a white scar that is easily seen just ...
People also ask
How serious is macular?
Why is the macula so important?
What does a spot on the macula mean?
Can maculopathy cause blindness?
Jan 14, 2023 · Macular Corneal Dystrophy · Disease Entity · Diagnosis · Management · Additional Resources · References.
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Aug 29, 2024 · Degenerasi makula adalah penurunan kemampuan penglihatan yang disebabkan oleh pertambahan usia. Kenali lebih lanjut dalam ulasan berikut ini ...
The macula is the part of your eye that processes what you see directly in front of you. It's part of your retina at the back of your eye.
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Edema Makula Diabetik (DME) - OasisEye Specialists › we-treat › edema-makula-diabetik-dme
This condition is characterized by the accumulation of fluids and thickening of the macula, the region in our eye which is most important for our central vision ...
What is Makula? An opaque spot on the cornea. The macula lutea. Titik buram pada kornea. Makula lutea.
Macula: Diameter: 5.5 mm; If the distance between optic disc to the macula is > 3 disc diameter (DD) it can be a sign of optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH). Macula ...
Apr 7, 2022 · Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) atau degenerasi makula adalah gangguan penglihatan yang terjadi pada orang lanjut usia (lansia).
Halodoc, Jakarta – Degenerasi Makula alias Age-related macular degeneration adalah gangguan penglihatan yang terjadi seiring berjalannya usia. Penyakit ini ...
Laporan refleksi kasus ini membahas kasus pasien dengan makula kornea pada mata kirinya yang menyebabkan penglihatan kabur.