
Learn to pronounce de·lay

make (someone or something) late or slow.
"the train was delayed"
synonyms: detain, hold up, make late, retard, keep (back), slow up, slow down, set back, bog down, hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct

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DELAYED meaning: 1. happening at a later time than expected, or happening some time after the event that caused it…. Learn more.
4 days ago · verb ; 1 · put off, postpone. delay a departure ; 2 · to stop, detain, or hinder for a time · delayed ; 3 · to cause to be slower or to occur more ...
Synonyms for DELAYED: belated, late, posthumous, postmortem, postponed, deferred, suspended, lingered; Antonyms of DELAYED: antemortem, afoot, under weigh, ...
adjective · put off; postponed: delayed flights. · detained; hindered: Delayed deliveries cause customers to complain. · slow; gradual: a delayed reaction;.
A delay is a wait or a postponement. An unexpected delay before the start of a play might make the audience restless and noisy.
May 7, 2023 · When and how do I find out how long my flight will be delayed or cancelled? Airlines are required to provide passengers with information about a ...
to put off to a later time; defer; postpone: The pilot delayed the flight until the weather cleared. to impede the process or progress of; retard; hinder.
to make something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected: My plane was delayed by an hour. Heavy snow delayed the start of the game.
DELAY meaning: 1 : a situation in which something happens later than it should; 2 : the amount of time that you must wait for something that is late.