Did you mean: Bisitopenia
Jul 4, 2018 · Bicytopenia is the reduction of any of the two cell lines of blood, i.e., erythrocytes, leukocytes or platelets.
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What is the meaning of bisitopenia?
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Bicytopenia is the reduction of any of the two cell lines of blood, i.e., erythrocytes, leukocytes or platelets. Many studies are done on pancytopenia but ...
Objective: Bicytopenia is a potentially life-threatening or a temporary situation that can be seen in patients. It may develop as a result of benign or malign ...
Pancytopenia is a medical condition in which there is significant reduction in the number of almost all blood cells.
Isovaleric academia (WA) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of leucine metabolism caused by a deficiency of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase.
In cancer patients, WE may develop because of certain chemotherapeutic agents (especially doxifluridine, ifosfamide, and. 5-fluorouracil) [3], malnutrition, ...
Bisitopeni, iki hücre serisinden herhangi birinin yani eritrositler, lökositler veya trombositler azalmasıdır. Bicytopenia her yaşta izlenmekle birlikte ...
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Bisitopeni ile gelen hastalarda mutlaka malign sebepler dışlanmalı, her hastaya periferik yayma yapılmalıdır. Üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu ...
Late onset of isovaleric acidemia presenting with bicytopenia Bisitopeni ile birliktelik gösteren geç başlangiçli izovalerik asidemi · Alev HasanoğluFüsun ...
Calcium oxalate may even be deposited into various tissues such as those of the retina, peripheral nerves, arterial media, and heart [4,5].