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This book, then, is a practical handbook for technical service personnel and scientists who are not necessarily specialists in microbiology.
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This Rapra Review Report examines the use of biocides in plastics with reference to material types and application requirements.
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The aim of this book is two-fold: to provide a comprehensive guide to the use of biocides across a range of applications; and to aid in the selection of a biocide that is "fit for purpose".
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"A major reference volume on antibacterial discovery from basic science to its impact on public health, this book is essential reading for everyone working in antibacterial research" -- Back cover.
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An introduction to the use of biocides, with emphasis on their use in controlling microbial growth in industrial applications. Outlines common problems, and explains how they may solved by the use of a variety of biocides.
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In this book, respected international experts summarize the most important concepts and pioneering strategies currently being used to develop novel antibacterials.