English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. bactericid bakterisid bactericide bakterisid.
Bakterisidal veya bakterisit, bakterileri öldüren maddelerdir. Bunlar bakterisit dezenfektanlar, antiseptikler ve antibiyotikler olarak sınıflandırılır.
Search within the title, abstract, claims, or full patent document: You can restrict your search to a specific field using field names. Use TI= to search in the ...
Definition of bakterileri yokeden bir madde, bakterisid in Turkish English dictionary. (Tıp) bactericide: an additive included in the formulations of water ...
The value of minimum bakterisid concentration (MBC) is indicated by the absence of colony growth on agar media. The minimum bakterisid concentration (MBC) ...
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Tibbi Bakterisid Resirkulyator. Havanın dezinfeksiyası. 5 posts. 7 followers. 5 following. Photo by Tibbi Bakterisid Resirkulyator on February 04, 2021.
... Bakterisid plastr 6 sm x 10 sm. VEROPHARM. Bakterisid plastr 6 sm x 10 sm. 0.5 AZN. Təsiredici maddələr: Malın kodu: 2028. ƏdədSay: 1. Son istifadə tarixi: 2027 ...
Oct 13, 2022 · Linezolid memiliki efek bakteriostatik pada pengobatan Staphylococcus dan Enterococcus, tetapi memiliki efek bakterisidal terhadap Streptococcus.
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