... sagittalis; sqamosum, Os temporale, pars squamosa; tympanic bulla, Bulla tympanica; and zygomatic bone, Os ... Sagittal axis Sagitta (Latin) = arrow; running from head to tail Associated axis: Horizontal axis Horizontal plane ...
... sagittal axes Sutura sagittalis Longitudinal or vertical axis runs perpendicular to the sagittal and transversal axes Os frontale Sutura coronalis Major Planes Median (sagittal) plane symmetry plane, divides the body into two equal halves ...
... sagittalis cranii visceralis I. ( septum nasi osseum , aspectus lateralis e sinistro ) . Sagittal section through ... Axis I. ( vertebra C. II . , aspectus superior ) . The second cervical vertebra or axis , I ( seen from above ) ...
... sagittalis of the skull, passing through the body from front to back. The midsagittal plane (= median plane) ... Sagittal axis: This axis runs anteroposteriorly from the front to back surface of the body (or from back to front) ...
... Sagittal Axis ( b ) Sagittal Plane Sutura Sagittalis Sutura Coronalis Frontal Plane ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) Fig . 5.34 Imaging devices : a Magnetic Resonance Tomograph ( MRT ) , b Upright MRT , and c 3D - full body scanner ( VITRONIC ...
... sagittalis cranii visceralis I. ( septum nasi osseum , aspectus lateralis e sinistro ) Sagittal section through the ... Axis I. ( vertebra C. II . , aspectus superior ) . The second cervical vertebra or axis , I ( seen from above ) ...