The Axis (C2 vertebra) also known as epistropheus forms the pivot upon which the first cervical vertebra (the Atlas), which carries the head, rotates.
People also ask
What is the vertical axis?
What is the vertical axis of the body?
Why is C2 called the axis?
What is the axis of the vertebrae?
Sagittal Vertical Axis (SVA) refers to the distance between a plumb line dropped from the body of the C7 vertebra to the posterosuperior corner of S1, ...
The axis (from Latin axis, "axle") is the second cervical vertebra (C2) of the spine, immediately inferior to the atlas, upon which the head rests.
The axis is the second cervical vertebra, commonly called C2. It is an atypical cervical vertebra with unique features and important relations that make it ...
The axis is the second vertebra of the vertebral column, located in the superior portion of the cervical region of the spine.
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A vertical axis or plane goes up and down. A few examples of vertical planes include the sagittal and coronal planes.
Nov 24, 2020 · Axis is the second cervical vertebra that, together with the first one – atlas – provides about 50% of the cervical spine's total axial rotation.
Jan 18, 2023 · The axis bone is the second vertebra in your cervical spine, and is critical in the movement of the head. The spine also consists of the ...
the line of figures that are arranged from top to bottom at the side of a graph, usually expressing a number or amount:.
Nov 2, 2022 · One of the most prominent features of the axis bone is a superior, tooth-like projection called the odontoid process (or dens).