In this book the combination of aggressive cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy to control peritoneal carcinomatosis is extensively explored.
Dr. Sugarbaker and his colleagues have organized the current state of knowledge and technology for continuing use. The book provides a basis for thoughtful, prospective research planning.
This is the first volume to provide a multidisciplinary approach to peritoneal carcinomatosis encompassing molecular mechanisms, histopathology, regional and systemic cytotoxic therapy, and surgical options.
These are aggressive treatments, so we must be careful when selecting patients. Imaging and preoperative staging are also crucial in selecting patients for appropriate treatment.
Much has been and continues to be published on this subject. This book provides comprehensive reviews on the various aspects of managing peritoneal metastases.
This book reviews current research in peritoneal malignant dissemination, from its pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms to the latest clinical trials.
This book has been designed to provide the full description of the comprehensive management of peritoneal surface malignancies as a new emerging specialty.
The book, drawing on data from the entire Italian experience as well as world literature, will be an outstanding benchmark for health professionals and researchers.
This book presents the principles that support aggressive management plans with disease eradication as an end point.New technologies have emerged, bringing about this conceptual change in thinking.
In this book the combination of aggressive cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy to control peritoneal carcinomatosis is extensively explored.