It is not surprising that this unique combination of skill, charm and generosity has conquered the hearts of football fans the world over – who will welcome the publication of this definitive biography which will include the full story of ...
The World Social Forum at Porto Alegre has popularized the slogan 'Another World is Possible'. But what is that world? Alex Callinicos seeks to answer these questions in An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto.
This book brings together leading international researchers to survey the current state of the global football industry, exploring contemporary themes and issues in the marketing of football around the world.
This book is split into three parts: • Sufism and anti-Sufism in contemporary contexts; • Contemporary Sufism in the West: Poetic influences and popular manifestations; • Gendering Sufism: Tradition and transformation.
This book reveals how Turkish national identity and the meanings of Islam and secularism have undergone radical changes in today's Turkey, and asks whether the Turkish model should be viewed as a success story or cautionary tale.
But before it does, Branson will unfold the tale of his journey from an obedient Creedish child and humble domestic servant to an ultra-buffed, steroid- and collagen-packed media messiah.
" Still the conflict rages on between individual freedom and national security. C. Mark Smith's Raising Cain profiles a complex and controversial public servant who remained true to one goal supporting the rights of the individual.