In this horror satire set in 1989, BAD HAIR follows an ambitious young woman (Elle Lorraine) who gets a weave in order to succeed in the image-obsessed world ...
Bad Hair is a 2020 American satirical black horror comedy film written, directed, and produced by Justin Simien. The film stars Elle Lorraine, Jay Pharoah, ...
5,6/10 · IMDb
%62 · Rotten Tomatoes
Kötü Saç, Justin Simien tarafından yazılan, yönetilen ve yapımcılığını üstlenen 2020 Amerikan hicivli kara korku komedi filmidir. Filmin başrollerinde Elle Lorraine, Jay Pharoah, Lena Waithe, Kelly Rowland, Laverne Cox, Chanté Adams, James Van Der... Wikipedia (İngilizce)
İlk gösterim tarihi: 23 Ocak 2020
Yönetmeni: Justin Simien
Diğer sorular
Is Bad Hair worth watching?
What does Bad Hair mean in slang?
What is the plot of Bad Hair?
What is Bad Hair based on?
Bad Hair's unwieldy ambitions are easy to respect -- even if the film's tonal jumble and uneven execution are impossible to ignore.
Bad Hair. In this horror satire set in 1989, Bad Hair follows an ambitious woman who gets a weave in order to succeed in the image-obsessed world of ...
25 Eki 2020 · Ahh, that's probably right. And the Simpsons chose hair as the evil transplant because that was an absurd thing to do.
(53) · $19,23
A hair-raising journey through the era when big was king. In the beginning, there was the hair. And some of the hair was bad, but it was small.
In this horror satire set in 1989, BAD HAIR follows an ambitious young woman (Elle Lorraine) who gets a weave in order to succeed in the image-obsessed world ...