This article lists direct English translations of common Latin phrases. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases.
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Aug 9, 2018 · WhistlerDick Intentio tua grata et accepta est Creatori, sed opera tua non sunt accepta.
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The Altar represents our Lord Jesus Christ. The Saints' Relics which are there, remind us that the Saints are His members. For, having assumed our human nature, ...
This appendix lists direct English translations of Latin phrases. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases.
Si ergo finis tuus est quaestus, si intentio tua est favor gloriae propriae, adulteras verbum Dei. ... I, 5: Deus lux est, et tenebrae in eo non sunt, et cetera.
Lord, do not deal with us according to our sins. Verba tua, Domine, Spiritus et vita sunt; verba vitae aeterne habes. Your words, Lord are Spirit and life;
While we can 'explain' natural occurrences in terms of the application of causal laws, human conduct is intrinsically meaningful, and has to be 'interpreted' or ...
It is to Demetrias that I have to write, that virgin of Christ who is both noble and rich and, which is more important, spurns both nobility and riches; ...
... non semper vero systematico ordine servato, et non sine primitive perspicuitatis ac simplicitatis detrimento. Nil proinde mirum quod Decessor Noster, Pius.
The use of such books as Meissner's Phraseologie involves no new and untried principles, witness the excellent results obtained in Germany, where the book has ...