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Grand Theft Auto 4 no longer being sold on Steam

Rockstar Games has pulled the crime epic for now

Niko Bellic is chased by police while driving a truck in a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto 4 Image: Rockstar Games
Michael McWhertor is a journalist with more than 17 years of experience covering video games, technology, movies, TV, and entertainment.

Rockstar Games has pulled the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 4 from sale, as the developer addresses a technical issue with the game.

Grand Theft Auto 4 disappeared from Steam over the weekend — the product page is still up, but customers can’t purchase it — because of its ties to Microsoft’s Games For Windows Live platform. According to a statement from Rockstar, Games For Windows Live’s demise impacts how the game is sold through services like Steam.

Here’s Rockstar’s statement, forwarded to Polygon:

Grand Theft Auto IV was originally created for the Games For Windows Live platform. With Microsoft no longer supporting Games For Windows Live, it is no longer possible to generate the additional keys needed to continue selling the current version of the game. We are looking at other options for distributing GTAIV for PC and will share more information as soon as we can.

Grand Theft Auto 4 was originally released on Windows PC in December 2008, the year after Microsoft launched Games For Windows Live alongside Shadowrun for PC and Xbox 360. Microsoft discontinued support for Games For Windows Live in 2014, leading many developers to update their games to remove hooks into the service.

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