Central American Cichlids

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two yellow and red fish in an aquarium
Paraneetroplus bifasciatus 'Rio Chacamax'...
a fish that is swimming in some water
a fish that is swimming in some water
Rocio spinosissimus
Archocentrus spinosissimus - ~6" cichlid from Guatemala, related to the convict cichlid. Relatively peaceful though quite aggressive when spawning
two yellow and black fish in an aquarium
exCichlasoma salvini
cichlasoma salvini
a blue fish swimming in an aquarium with rocks and water around it's edges
Blue texas Zucht Männchen
blue texas cuple
a close up of a fish in an aquarium with black and yellow stripes on it
Cichlasoma salvini
different types of fish with names on them
a blue and green fish in an aquarium filled with algae, plants and gravels
The ‘Chanchito’ A True Pioneer in the History of the Aquarium Hobby by Claudia Dickinson | Cichlid Room Companion
Cichlasoma/Australoheros oblongus (dwarf chanchito cichlid)- ~4-5" SA cichlid from Uraguay, appreciates hard water. mild temperament. shown is male in breeding colors
an orange and blue fish is swimming in the water next to some other small fishes
Amphilophus citrinellus (Midas Cichlid) Care, Tank Mates, For Sale
The Salvin's cichlid, also known as the yellow-belly cichlid or tricolored cichlid, is a species of the family Cichlidae. It is found in rivers of the Atlantic slope of southern Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.
an orange and white fish swimming in the water
a blue and white fish sitting on top of a rock next to an aquarium filled with rocks
american cichlids - Google zoeken
an orange and white fish is swimming in the water with gravel around it's sides
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a yellow and black striped fish swimming in an aquarium filled with algae, plants and rocks
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amphilophus hogaboomorum