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The Accident (1941) ~ Oswaldo Guayasamín (Ecuador)

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Oswaldo Guayasamín (1919-1999) was an eminent Ecuadorian painter and sculptor whose heritage traces back to Quechua and Mestizo indigenous populations. His works address ongoing struggles against political oppression, exploitation, racism, poverty and unearned privilege. Guayasamín was awarded a prize for "an entire life of work for peace" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
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  1. LinneaE10:01
  2. linda180210:52
  3. judyredhorn11:33
  4. Libbylocious12:04
  5. drfhoule12:15
  6. joaniebaloney12:53
  7. pascalem13:16
  8. heathercru13:41
  9. cati215:02
  10. wolpow17:00


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You are welcome, heathercru. There are many other examples of his work posted on jigidi, searchable under his name.


Very powerful painting. Thanks for introducing me to this artist, judyredhorn.


I agree, stunned.

Oswaldo Guayasamin's artwork is always most powerful. Thanks for the post.


And elsewhere.


Sadly, mining accidents remain all too frequent in Ecuador. TFP


Thank you Judy ! This is a very compelling image. @judyredhorn

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