Decode Your Egg Carton With Help From a Registered Dietitian

When choosing the healthiest eggs, you have to look beyond the price tag.

egg cartons
Shell color doesn't reflect the nutritional value of what's inside.Elena Rycova/iStock

You can’t go long without hearing about eggs these days. Their general popularity paired with a steep price increase (70 percent year over year, according to CNN) has made them a common topic of conversation. Some people have hypothesized that the price increase is a result of price gouging.

In spite of all this egg-based drama, eggs remain a healthy part of your diet. For example, two eggs are an excellent source of protein, as noted in data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Additionally, a July 2022 article in Nutrients notes that the quality of the protein in eggs is exceptionally high, is easily digestible, and contains the essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) that your body needs to function properly. The protein in eggs also makes them filling and may contribute to a healthy body weight. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists whole eggs as a top dietary source of choline, a nutrient credited with proper metabolism and cell formation.

Finding ways to enjoy eggs is a no-brainer: Eggs are extremely versatile for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there are few snacks better than a hard-boiled egg. But choosing eggs at the grocery store has become a bit more difficult, as packaging terms like “cage-free” and “pasture-raised” proliferate. How do you know what actually impacts the health and nutrition properties of eggs (and justifies a heftier price tag) and what’s just marketing lingo? I decided to take a look under the carton lid and make a helpful guide to some common terms and other aspects of shopping for eggs.


This label means the hens that laid the eggs were not kept in cages for their whole lives, but instead had some amount of freedom to move around inside a barn or other enclosed area, notes The Happy Chicken Coop. It's a more humane option than traditional cages, but it's worth noting that cage-free hens still may not have access to the outdoors. Cage-free eggs will generally cost about 1 to 2 dollars more per dozen than other eggs, but are no better nutritionally, according to ABC Action News.


This term means the hens don't live in cages (like the cage-free birds), and also have access to the outdoors during their laying cycle, notes the USDA. The amount of time they spend outdoors can vary, so it's always good to do your research on the specific brand of eggs you're buying.


If you see the term “organic” on an egg carton, it means the hens were fed an organic diet and were not given antibiotics or hormones. It's a good choice if you're concerned about the environmental impact of farming practices and the potential health effects of consuming antibiotics and hormones. Organic products tend to come at a premium price; one USDA report found that organic versions of foods could be up to 82 percent more expensive than conventional ones.


This isn’t a term you’re likely to see often, but it’s a good one to look for if you want to ensure the hens have access to plenty of fresh grass and vegetation. This label means that the hens were allowed to roam freely on a pasture and were able to eat a more natural diet than those confined to barns. Because pasture-raised hens may eat a more varied diet, their eggs tend to have more brightly hued yolks and, as ABC Action News notes, more omega-3 fats and vitamin E. While these nutritional differences aren’t significant, you may take comfort in the way these chickens are raised. Only you can determine if the price tag is worth it to you.


This type of egg is enriched with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, notes the NIH. Wondering how they get the fats into the egg? As Scientific American notes, they do this by feeding the hens flaxseeds (which USDA data shows are high in omega-3 fatty acids). While getting more omega-3 fats from your diet is a great choice, there are many foods that contain significantly more omega-3s than this type of egg, as noted by the NIH. As a result, you’d be better off getting your omega-3s from other food (for example, by eating flaxseeds yourself!).

Egg Sizes

Egg size is standardized by the USDA and has an established minimum weight per dozen eggs. For example, large eggs must weigh at least 24 ounces (oz) per dozen while extra-large eggs must weigh at least 27 oz. Other sizes include jumbo, medium, small, and peewee. Most recipes use large eggs as a standard.

Egg Color

Chickens can lay a rainbow of shell colors, including white, brown, pink, green, and blue. While there may be small variations in color from one egg to another, studies have generally found that there is no significant nutritional difference among colors, and the eggs will taste the same. I actually brought my grandmother beautiful farm-fresh eggs from our chickens several times before she broke the news that she never ate them because the shells weren’t white!


In addition to being checked for size, eggs can also be voluntarily graded by the USDA for quality and sanitary processing. This grade refers to the quality of the eggs themselves, rather than the conditions in which they were produced. The highest grade of eggs is Grade AA. These eggs have a thick, firm white and a high, round yolk. They're ideal for recipes that require the eggs to hold their shape, such as meringues and soufflés. Next is Grade A, which are very high quality, followed by Grade B eggs, which are the lowest quality and are generally used for making liquid eggs or in baking, notes the USDA.

So, there you have it! The next time you're perusing the egg case, you'll be armed with the knowledge to make an informed decision about which carton to buy. Whether you go for cage-free, free-range, organic, pasture-raised, or Grade AA, you can rest easy knowing you made a choice that aligns with your values and taste buds.

Important: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not Everyday Health.