Wolfteam: Reboot

Wolfteam: Reboot

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How To Play Wolfteam
By shoter
This guide should help casual players to play Wolfteam for fun.
I played quite a time in this game, and now I know certain things newbies don't know yet.

So I hope this guide helps you understand this game
0. Introduction and some basics
With good games you just hop into game and have fun.
but with mediocre games, you challenge yourself to play for fun.
And this guide for those who seek extra challenge by playing with broken games

Also the basics of this game:
Press R to roar or reload. Roaring refreshes your temporary HP. You must keep R pressed until roar animation is fully done, or else you won't refresh temporary HP.
Temporary HP also gradually refreshes when you are in human form.

To run on walls in Wolf Form - Run towards the wall and jump on it. You can also switch to other wall by pressing spacebar to jump on it.
Also, if you have any other movement key pressed, aside W - you will not attach yourself to the wall.
When you jump from wall, you get to slightly higher altitude. So you can climb higher in narrow corridors by tapping spacebar when running on walls.

Game Has two damage multipliers:

Headshot - when you shoot player's head

Sneak Attack - when you shoot player's back

Both damage multipliers can occur in certain situations

In the game match you can throw weapon by pressing G
If you have empty weapon slot, you can pickup weapon that lays on ground.
You pickup weapon by stepping on it.

There are 3 knife moves:
left click - fast weak attack
right click - slow powerful attack
left+right click - parry

When you go to settings, you go to "other" tab, then on page 2, you will see
grenade throwing angle setting. This can be helpful if you intend to throw grenade in desired way.

  • 1. House-Rules And Equipment Planning
  • 2. Do Not Use Character Card Upgrades
  • 3. Game Is Bugged And Unbalanced
  • 4. PVE mode is especially broken.
  • 5. Getting game currency.
  • 6. Quests
  • 7. How to spectate/observe any mode aside destruction.
  • 8. In game Chat
  • 9. Trick to do wall jumps to get to higher altitudes.
  • 10. How to play Non-Steam Softnyx Version

I will be using screenshots from 2 different Wolfteam Versions (Steam and Non-Steam Softnyx), so that's why store items will differ.
also while making this guide, store contents may change over time.
1. House Rules And Equipment Planning
  • Organize the house rules with your playgroup.

Make a mutual agreement with your playgroup, as to what items you accept to use. For example, using just default equipment, use certain event item, and some gold wolf coin items, and be sure it is fair all players.

Play in passworded rooms, and invite only those who agree to play by your house-rules.
Usually randoms and hackers don't enter passworded rooms if password to room is tougher than 1234. Although I haven't had enough playtests to be sure about that, maybe they can brute force it, or maybe not. You can also disable "trespass" so nobody could join you midgame.

If you are game room master, you can right click and kick the player. But this can be done only before match is started.

"Basic Weapon" can be put into slot 0, which is a basic weapon slot, that don't need WP score to use in match.

In inventory there is "power" tab, there you equip items to power up your character with items like tattoos, wolf form transform override, scratches, health kit, and maybe some other things.
Also! Certain items can't be equipped together. For example both Left/Right arm tattoos can't be equipped with a scratch item, so you have to choose one of the arm side tattoo.

ETC/EX items mostly don't need to be equipped to get activated. Once bought - they get activated.

Certain Weapons have upgrade attachments, that can be rather pricy.
Although Non-Steam Softnyx Version has full upgrade kit for weapons of 7+ day of expiration for relatively cheap price, compared to manual upgrading.

My example loadout house rule loadout would be: Using whatever weapon you get from rookie wolfrush box, and mutually agree to never use ELWRCi M6A2 SL, cuz it outmatches all of the low tiered weaponry.

  • Version Differences of other Wolfteam Servers

Available arsenal in game will differ, depending on what game version you are playing. For example there are 2 global versions of Wolfteam: Steam Wolfteam: Reboot version, and NON-Steam Softnyx Wolfteam: Reboot Version. There are also couple more versions in different regions. And game shop may update, so further info should be considered as example.

Steam Version Examples Above

NON-Steam Softnyx Version Examples Above

Don't be fooled by nice early rank up rewards or other rewards. First rank up rewards will award you with month long beefed up weapons and characters. But once several months pass, you gonna be left with default arsenal, and you'll have to get some gold/wolf coin arsenal, which will hardly ever compete against beefed rank up rewards you got initially, and especially no match to people who payed cash.

After 2 months of inactivity, when you get back into game when "returning player" event is on, you can receive such rewards. But if you returned while event wasn't active, then consider your event reward dissolved. So better use twink account to check if event is on.

  • Open boxes in batch of 10
Doesn't matter what type of box you open. It can be either rookie wolfrush box, wolf coin jackpot box, or gold jackpot box, or any other kind. If you open 10 same boxes at the same time, you get 11Th extra box drop.

This is how 11Th extra box looks like when you have opened 10 "New Gold Boxes" in NON-Steam Softnyx Version.

Although If I remember right, the 11Th extra box opening for opening 10 boxes at the same time does not apply to character card boxes, but I'm not sure on that. And There's gonna be separate section about characters cards. Just don't use character cards.

also, if you don't want to watch box opening animation, you can turn the animations off in graphics options. Just set "Animation" to "OFF"

Also, game's main menu is running in forced 1024x768 resolution, so changing both monitor display and game match resolution to 1024x768 may be preferable. if you are annoyed by screen resolution switching.
1.1 Item Expiration
  • Item Expiration Date
I had to put this info into separate section, as I ran out of symbol limit in section 1.

All items are temporary.
Except permanent default equipment, other items , and boxes.
There are 2 expiration layers: Inbox and Inventory.
While item is in the inbox, it's inventory expiration date is frozen.

Usually, You are given 14 days to take an item out of inbox, before it disappears.
Except in some cases when you are given 1-3 days,

So best strategy is to attend in events in these -14 days, and once you got all needed items in the inbox, you can take them all at once, so their inventory expiration would trigger at the same time.

boxes in inventory don't expire, so you can plan their opening much much later

Xem-8 PT rifle was opened through rookie box, which got moved to gift box.
It's inventory duration says 1 day, but it can last for 14 days in gift box. So I can actually wait around 13 days, and then move it to inventory. Such way you can stretch out certain item duration taking them into inventory at such delay of 14 days, if you wish so.

Xem-8 PT rifle in the inventory. It's expiration date is ticking now

Event reward like characters, weapons, items, they start with 14 days to redeem from gift box, until they disappear from that gift box.

when you click on said items from gift box, you can see their inventory duration.
so it's best to take them from gift box at a delay.

So you are given 14 days in gift box to plan out when you decide to activate main item expiration date.
So you can either wait until both color characters are in box, and activate them at the same time, or you can take turns to use one character at a time.

Or you can plan to take turns with a playgroup, as to who gets to play red or blue first, thus you can "stretch" out your playthrough with premium characters for more days, when each opponent activates one color character and sticks to team color for this much days. Like me playing blue, and my friend playing red, then we take into inventory opposite side colors once our characters expired and we take next characters from inbox and continue playing.

and of course, you can overtime the use of said characters and items, if don't exit server lobby you are playing on, and or don't close the game.

Rookie Box I just received can last only 3 days in the gift box

boxes in inventory don't expire, so you can plan their opening much much later

Xem-8 PT rifle was opened through rookie box, which got moved to gift box.
It's inventory duration says 1 day, but it can last for 14 days in gift box. So I can actually wait around 13 days, and then move it to inventory. Such way you can stretch out certain item duration taking them into inventory at such delay of 14 days, if you wish so.

Xem-8 PT rifle in the inventory. It's expiration date is ticking now

Theoretically, you can play with items past their expiration date:

When entering or exiting server lobby, you will be notified that you have items about to expire.

If it says 0 days in expiration date, it means either you have less than 24 hours left, or item is totally expired.

This is a server list

This is a server lobby

When you press top right button to exit to server list, you are notified that you have items about
to expire.

You can overtime items past day 0, if you keep playing.
but this trick has pitfall like game crash, network disconnect and anything else that may disconnect you

Once you decide to exit server lobby to server list, the expired item will disappear. But if you change your mind, and don't exit the server lobby to the server list, and keep playing, you will get to keep the item until the game client closes for whatever reason (be it crash, network connection error, anti-cheat closed the game because it found any program to be suspicious)
So as long as you are not leaving server lobby, and don't close the game, you get "overtime" duration for the item.
Sometime ago I managed to overtime several items past 3 days after their expiration date because I didn't closed the game nor left the lobby, so the game continued to run with expired items, until server decided to disconnect me for maintenance and stuff.
2. Avoid character card upgrades

Don't be fooled by regular rewards that give you boxes of cards and that you can buy them with gold. The amount of cards you have to collect to upgrade your character are ridiculously expensive.
To max out at least one character card, you'd have to play for years non-stop, spending millions of gold. Getting an advantage at such price is just not reasonable, at least for me.

So my hard advice is, is to never ever take any character box from inbox rewards. And if you do happen to take it, do not open it. Once opened, it's first level effects will instantly come in effect. Yes, +5 HP on your basic character is hardly an advantage, but we both know how certain battles are concluded by single digits of HP.

Card effects are permanent and cannot be disabled.
So it's best your card profile should look empty as possible. This is how it should look,

And you can see, I was using secondary twink account just to show you how card upgrades work.

In Non-Steam version for example, you get 120,000 gold. 20,000 initial gold + 100,000 gold for "new user" event. If you created new user when "new user" event is not active, you lost that gold reward.

You can notice how first level card stat buff comes in effect. It's impossible to un-equip the card buffs!
Once you grab your loadout, card buff goes into effect, giving +5 HP.

And now 2nd level upgrade gives +7 hp

Let me remind you, you gotta be lucky already to get 2nd upgrade card for basic character with this amount of gold. we can pretty much extrapolate needed amount to fully max out character card buff and it will be in millions of gold, This is especially expensive as you receive abysmally low amount of gold for playing. Even the event gold rewards won't be able to give enough gold for such stuff.

And when you eventually get reward with character card box through mission or event, just ignore it. And I repeat, boxes don't expire in inventory, but they expire if they are kept in gift box.
I just keep card boxes there, until they eventually disappear in gift box.
But if you did happen to redeem the card box from gift box, just don't open it, please.

Don't pick the card box, just click cancel, and wait until it's gift box duration ends and it will disappear after it's time to redeem expires.

Card Boxes you can buy via gold and as a event/mission reward is not enough to top out those who spend real cash to upgrade cards, so you just distort your stats in relation to players with no cards against their favor, thus making unfair competition.
3. Game Is Bugged And Unbalanced
Not sure whether то count this hit registration a bug or a feature.

sometimes you can knockout each other at the same time, this goes both for wolf attacks and weapons. So you can actually snipe each other at the same time.

For example, flamethrower is useless as it's damage is abysmally low, and rockets disappear when they hit approaching target, so to actually use rocket successfuly, you must only hit map geometry instead, and pray that enemy won't run towards it.

Sometimes When there's bug in connection with game room, you may notice that either other players don't spawn on your side, and your damage input is ignored.
In this image you see me shooting the wooden barricade that is actually destructible object, but due to connection bug, game doesn't send my damage packets to others, later people in chat told me to reconnect cuz I appeared as a corpse to them each next round.

Flamethrower's damage is that low that it can't take out a wolf who
runs in straight line

Any target (both PVE and PVP modes), if it goes to the rocket, even at slowest speed, it will dissolve the rocket and screen will flicker

rockets explode onto target only when it stands still or runs away from rocket, or if you fire into map geometry and make splash damage.
And yes, you can explode rocket with a rocket, which will make splash damage as well.
For some reason, when rocket hits rocket, they don't dissolve in damage sense, but barely any explosion any effect is rendered

Many gold items are weak, compared to current default assault rifle, so take this information into consideration.

Here you can see my default character with no tattoos or other stat boosts, attacking premium reboot character who also has high armor tattoos.
His armor rating is high enough that when he roars, he refreshes his temporary HP before I'm able to hurt his main HP, thus he's invincible to my attacks.

Arms crosses around wolf's face - means he's blocking damage

Arms in relaxed pose - means he's not blocking damage

Guardian Wolf's right click and hold "Frontal Damage Block" ability practically doesn't reduce incoming damage. Difference is like 5 HP, and movement speed while blocking is slow as snail.

If you happen to crash when playtime bonus reward should've triggered, it seems like you just lost that playtime bonus reward.
3.1 How to restart game faster
If you gonna play this game for long, especially PVE mode, I suggest to find ways to relaunch game client fast. Especially when game freezes.

This method is clunky, but it gets job done, especially when game freezes, so you just alt+tab to CMD window, hit arrow key up (to repeat previous input command), then hit enter, and you're back in game.

I went into System32, and copied the cmd.exe
and pasted it into game directory where NyxLauncher.exe is located.

create .txt file and name however you want.
But I named it as "r", to just type one letter when using this
file. then

paste these lines:
taskkill /f /im wolfteam.bin NyxLauncher.exe
then rename extension .txt to .bat

now you have a .bat file that will relaunch the game.

It's best to place that .bat file into same directory where NyxLauncher.exe is located

and launch that bat file as administrator, otherwise each time you relaunch the game, game will asking that each time.

It's best to have that CMD window opened while playing, so you could alt+tab to it at any time you experience game freezing

Here you see the situation where my game froze during PVE battle.

CMD has to be opened before this thing happening,
then you alt+tab to CMD,

It will appear that you still see game window, but you are actually focused on CMD, it's just that game froze being on top of everything.
do blind key input into cmd,
type the name of bat file (no need to type it's .bat extension), then hit enter.
in my case, I just pressed "r" and hit enter, as my bat file was named as "r"
If you already did the input previously, instead of typing the name of bat file,
you can just press arrow key up to repeat previously entered command, then hit enter.

you have successfully relaunched the game.

If you happen to play a portion of game that crashes, and you are irritated by constant resolution resizing, it's best to set your monitor and game match resolution to 1024x768, because main menu is in forced 1024x768 resolution.

And if you want batch file that only terminates the game process, just make batch file that only contains
taskkill /f /im wolfteam.bin
Remember, game itself requires admin rights to launch, so these batch files need to launched with admin rights as well.
3.2. How to manage steam accounts
As the game is giving miserably amount of login rewards, as 20,000 wolf coin and couple boxes once a week is not enough to get most of stuff for free.
So best strategy is to accumulate these login rewards on multiple accounts.
basically, you login in with all accounts into game, collect rewards, and while you play with one account, the rest of your accounts accumulate rewards you'll later be using.

First of all, check out how to make steam shortcut launch options https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/0188-6BB7-D467-08E1

Please be sure to take adequate precautions to ensure that no one else has access to view your password when it is saved in a shortcut.

Log in automatically:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -login username password

next thing to setup is instant steam closing, using .bat file

@echo off taskkill /f /im steam.exe taskkill /f /im steamservices.exe taskkill /f /im steamwebhelper.exe

make this batch file and use it each time you want to close the steam.

Then once you made your multiple shortcuts with their usernames, and batch file, you can now swiftly switch accounts, but be sure your credentials are secure!

4. PVE mode is especially broken
This section is separate from previous section, due it being broken in special way.

PVE - Extra - Death Station (single wave and 10 enemies), is the fastest PVE map for now, which never crashed for me, as it's so fast going, it doesn't have time to pile up errors to crash.

When you shoot enemies, you may notice that sometimes damage doesn't register.
this is because of phantom corpses that act like a shield for living enemies. Once they step on same coordinate where "corpse" is - they are invincible. So you have to shoot enemies elsewhere.

You may have several fine game matches , but most of the time, me and my playgroup were crashing pretty often, thus softlocking the process for other players who haven't crashed yet.

Here you see the PVE enemy wolf is invincible and doesn't damage you, and counter shows 0.
This happened when in midgame, other player has crashed from game, thus broke enemy scripts.

You can see I can even shoot the point from which these polygons are coming from.
This is actually a phantom wolf corpse.

In this rare case, I encountered that all incoming horde of wolves turned into polygonal mess, soft locking me.

sometimes enemies are ignoring both wolf claws and bullet attacks.
This happens when bot is stuck in map, or when multiple enemies attempt to occupy same coordinate in map

when you see a stuck enemy and he ignores incoming damage, try using anything that explodes.
It can be splash damage wolf attacks, grenades, rocket launchers and grenade launchers

And also, rewards are mostly trash. like weak gold weapons, and maybe occasional low-tier premium character from expert box/wolfrush box. So it's best to pay the least amount of attention to PVE mode.

But despite PVE instability, Boss Rush mode and that single wave rookie level map - are most stable ones which should be safe to play.

And If you and your team doesn't happen to crash, you may have some little fun in such CO-OP mode.

Be aware that Boss Rush mode is tailored only for beefed up characters and weapons, so get into it when events happen to give you characters with higher stats.

Reason why PVE mode likes to crash this often, is varied. But I noticed a pattern. When there's too much incoming bot damage to you, it may cause certain bottleneck queue, which game can't handle.
I was also told by other user, that "backpacks" that enemies tend to drop like usual players tend to be the culprit of crash as well, so you kill a bunch of them at the same time, you may cause multiple backpacks to render in your view, thus crashing the game.

Also, flamethrower is broken in PVE in special way. In closed area like metro, flamethrower's pellets which fire particles are attached to - do not dissipate, thus filling the map full of burned butts from flamethrower, cluttering entire map.

Later I noticed, that either because of flamethrower clutter, or other things - enemies and yourself re-render from the view, and you see only eye and armband glow effect.

TimeCode is 7Th hour of stream record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgTrWXxwrHY&t=24773s

Certain Items like flame grenades can kick you for using them in PVE.
Don't know if it's true for PVP, further play testing needed
I'm also not sure what exact flame grenade causes this. It could be either that I equipped them both, or that game differently looks at them, depending on what number loadout they are equiped. Further playtesting needed.

here I buy grenades, via item set for wolf coin

here I equip both flame grenades

here I use them and I crash

Message I get when game thinks it's not allowed item.

Another bug is when you try using turret in certain place, where you fall and clip through texture, and game starts to think you cheated, while you didn't, thus kicking you out.
Don't worry, you are not suspended, it's just automated message prompt, but you are still kicked out from the game.

Here you can see, I tried placing turret on the edge of container, but once I fell of the of container, and rotated myself, it appears I touched the trigger box inside the container that gave message that I'm kicked from game for cheating, while I wasn't cheating, just fell onto trigger box.

You can break AI by the same turret trick. In this spot, you won't get kicked for doing so, but will see funny behavior on enemy

this spot is where you place turret. First you place on top part edge, then once you see character placed a turret, try turning left and right and see how you fall down to lower part of map. Now you are partially occupying two sides of map geometry, which confuses the AI

now you just twist view left and right and see how enemy either sees you or doesn't, probably trying to reach you from spot it can't reach

Mentioned Rocket bug works same way for wolf projectiles as well.

when you stand still or going away from projectile, it can directly hit you

Splash damage hitting map will hurt player

Doesn't matter how you are faced against the projectile, all it matters, is that your character approaches the projectile at any speed. Use this bug to your survival advantage

4.1. PVE - How To Farm PVE Boxes
If you dare to farm some PVE Wolfrush boxes, these videos will guide you through how to do that in

You can play only as Blue characters in PVE mode! Red side is taken by bots!
So when you are preparing for PVE battles, do not make mistake by upgrading red characters, cuz they can't be played in PVE mode.

Attention: Always re-launch the game after each long PVE match, because the game is extremely buggy.
And always enter PVE match like this: Enter Game, Make PVE match, Play it.
If you do anything else before the match, you increase your chances of crashing.

Firing enemies in point blank distance, while also standing still is bad idea, due to mentioned issue of bugged enemy coordinates. They just don't receive damage. As it was said previously, No Blood/Sparkle effect, it means no damage has been dealt

Even when you get surrounded by enemies from all sides, they always seek to face you only from one direction. Seems like they were oddly scripted to always prefer hitting player from specific side.
you can use it to your crowd control advantage.

As enemies bug when they stand still, coupled with corpses acting as flesh shield for living enemies, it's best to always make enemies move even a little bit.

You can jump on top of enemies. This way they'll miss most of their attacks on you.
You can either use transform and shoot them from top, or claw them with wolf attacks.
Seems like wolf attacks have more range on bottom, than on top.

If you get into combat against wolf horde in wolf form, do not forget to repeatedly roar by pressing R (reload button), and keep the R pressed until your temporary health is refreshed in left bottom corner, next to main HP.

When running very close to enemies, there's high chance that you get stuck in them.
It's very important to repeatedly roar in such case to keep up your temporary HP and wait for moment to unstuck from the crowd

Health and Ammo refill points are refreshed after each wave, so best strategy is to use them right before current wave ends.
So take down last enemy in current wave, who is near the Health/Ammo refill and use them right before wave timer triggers next wave.
Also, in this image example, you can see that I can use both Health/Ammo refill points at the same time, because their effect range overlaps together in that exact spot I'm standing. But this trick only works for the metro map, because other maps have spread out their refill points differently.

Examples below have specific maps, because each map has different difficulty, as they have different spawn pattern of enemies and map layout. And I found out that this way of farming is fastest one.
Other maps and means to farm boxes will take far more time.

  • Easy difficulty - complete 5 waves to get rookie box.

  • Intermediate Difficulty - Complete 5 waves to get intermediate box, if you completed 10 waves, you also get wolfrush box

  • Expert Difficulty - Complete 8 waves to get expert box, if you completed 15 waves, you also get wolfrush box.

So if you don't care about wolfrush box, you can just let yourself get taken down in 6th wave in intermediate difficulty, and on 9th wave in expert difficulty.

Also, for some reason, there's no bronze,silver keys to buy to open wolfrush box in steam version currently.
But such keys can be bought in Non-Steam Softnyx Version.

PVE - Extra - Death Station.
1 wave, 10 enemies. Can be done in 1 minute or less. Gives you rookie box.
Preferably pick strongest DPS weapon for even faster clearing.
You can easily clear out this map with default character with no armor equipment.

5 waves. Can be done in about 5 minutes. GIves you intermediate box
Items you need:
WT RL-2 Rocket Launcher
No Self Explosion item (to not explode yourself)
preferably higher stat character

8 waves. Can be done in about 8 minutes. GIves you Expert box
Items you need:
WT RL-2 Rocket Launcher
No Self Explosion item (to not explode yourself)
preferably higher stat character

10 waves. Will take about 14 minutes.
Items you need:
WT RL-2 rocket launcher
EM-32 Grenade Launcher (preferable upgraded)
DE-50 (or any other high powered pistol)
No Self Explosion item (to make yourself immune to your own explosions)
Preferably pick any character with higher stats to have more chances

So you pretty much pick item "no self damage from explosion" and just fire rockets into ground, right next to enemies. Be sure you don't fire at enemy feet, as you might directly hit enemies, dissolving your rocket.
You must hit map geometry, and damage enemies with splash damage only!

WT RL-2 can be pricy, especially in non-steam version, so you can use cheaper rocket launcher.
but cheapest rocket launcher has a bit less damage value

You can also increase stats by equiping tattoos whose effects come in effect when in wolf form
although in my cases of farming, I wasn't using tattoos. Tattoos can be a very expensive thing to afford.

Get No Self Explosion item in gold shop. This is helpful when you will be using grenades/rockets and aiming them right onto your feet.

Usually, you can buy some armor equipment to sustain more damage

you can buy some gold characters who have armor presets to equip them

there's gold armor set equipment for these gold characters

There's also some armor set in wolf coin shop

And I remind you again, these shop screenshots are to taken as example, as shop contents may update and be different in various other versions.
Like in non-steam softnyx version, there's no gold/wolf coin armor set for gold characters, but there's armor pieces for gold.

Wolfrush Boss fight is very tough. Boss is a bullet sponge, that can take you out in couple or even one hit, while you are also surrounded by lesser enemies who also take you down quick.
So precise item planning and teamwork is necessary, like always be ready to revive your teammates.

In version like Non-Steam Softnyx version, where everything is expensive, the best option is to just get beefed up characters from events to use them for easier PVE farming at higher difficulty,
and buy only rocket and no self damage item.
4.2 PVE - Game Crash And Rewards
At any point, if you crash, you lose the progress.

But. If your match has ended due to victory or defeat, and when game attempts to close match window and open menu window, and crashing trying to do window switching - your progression is safe.
It seems that reward/progression triggers after the game itself closes the match window.

I got the expert box despite the crash.
because reward is triggered when game match window closes and goes to main menu. It's just that crash happened between them.
If crash would happen anywhere else, I'd lose my progression.

5. Getting game currency.
The way you acquire currency like Gold And Wolf Coin, are varied.

Gold can be rewarded as a match reward, but only when there's 6+ players in game match.
If you played with less than 6 players, the only progression you get, is a playtime bonus that rewards you regardless of playercount.

And when you play for longer than 1 hours a day - you may get a notification that you got a bonus 10 Wolf Coin, but I noticed that there's no additional Wolf Coin, so probably a bugged reward, which is usual for this kind of broken game. Not to mention you can't buy anything for 10 Wolfcoin.
Only in Steam version you can get some cheap wolf coin weapons for 20 wolf coin or so.

You can get Gold And Wolf Coin as an event reward.

Currently, Steam Version regularly gives Gold and Wolf Coin currencies as a login reward.
but not Non-Steam Softnyx Version.

You can also exchange PVE box rewards like weapons for gold or in rare cases, for wolf coins, but exchange value is abysmal thus it's no reliable way of farming either of these currencies. Although, currently Non-steam Global Softnyx Version mostly lets you exchange most of weapons for 1,000 gold or 100 wolf coin, so you can actually farm a little bit of gold in less than half-an-hour in that 1 wave PVE mode, at least for now

In Non-Steam Softnyx version, sometimes playtime bonus rewards you 10,000 Gold.
There's varied number of gold you get from playtime bonus.

Got 3000 Gold as a playtime bonus for playing 30 minutes, in Non-Steam Softnyx version.
6. Quests
There are 3 types of quests:

Events, Missions, and Bingo.

Events trigger regardless of how many players there are in game match, just pay attention to condition to complete them.

Missions and Bingo are triggered/progressed only when there's 6+ players in match, except when Bingo mission is about PVE mode.

I noticed that Steam Version doesn't have Bingo yet.
Bingo window appears in mission tab window.

And little bug with event. Sometimes you see no Playtime or Killcount event, but after playing, you'll notice you rewarded for these events, despite them not being shown in event window. Just another bug to take into consideration.

events have their start and end duration.
So if you start mid month, you can pretty much say goodbye to 24th day attendance event rewards, as the event will expire by that calendar time, and you will just have to attend next event from first days of month. But! sometimes game doesn't enable events on 1st day of month, so they may turn on either 2-5 day of month.
attendance event is complete when you played for 50+ minutes hour in a day.

When doing events, pay attention to their explanation. Although some explanation is cryptic, so I explained one of them. "designated" time of play means 50+ minutes sum of all matches in one day.

Usually in first days of month, you are met with this message when trying to open "event" window

I also noticed that "playtime" and "killcount" events may not show up in event window, but you will find their rewards in your gift box. Another broken thing in this game.
7. How to Observe/Spectate
There is a way to observe Deathmatch/Conquest mode in Steam version, which needs a little bit of workaround.

If you want to observe/spectate the game in steam version, "observe" option is disabled for Deathmatch and Conquest. So create a match in destruction/icehold/wolfhunt mode, enable "observe", apply changes.
Wait for a second player to take place of a room master.
and you yourself go back to lobby view.
then right click the room you exited, and it will have 2 prompts "join" and "observe", pick "observe".
Now you are an observer.

Funny enough, as you already an observer, you pretty much bypassed the inability to observe deathmatch/conquest. Once room master changes room game mode to such modes, you are able to observe them as well. It's just that you can't directly go and observe deathmatch/conquest, so you need to do such workaround.
8. Ingame Chat, Pride (Clan)

If you have a conversation in game chat, and you don't want to lose chat history when closing chat window, hide chat layer by pressing default Key F5 in the game.
If you close chat window with cross button, the chat history will be wiped.

In top right part of main menu, there's pride button

Here you can search clans
9. Wall jump
To wall run, you just press forward and jump to run on wall.
Then while running, you can press spacebar to jump from the wall, or simply release forward button.
You can also get higher by rapidly pressing spacebar in narrow corridor, as it sends your character a bit higher with each fast jump.

But there is a nice trick on how to get high vertical jump.
You just run on wall as usual, then you press and hold strafe key, that matches the wall side you are facing. Then you release W Forward key, while keeping strafe key pressed. This will make you jump high, and will let you reach places from spots you couldn't reach otherwise.
10. How to play Non-Steam Softnyx Version
Trouble in registering in Non-Steam Softnyx Version, is that the site has bad time with understanding Uppercase letters and other symbols, which pretty much has something to do with their outdated account creation process.

So when you make a new account, you must have both username and password in lowercase letters and numbers. Otherwise, your login info gets mangled. Best case is that your Uppercase letters just get turned into lowercase. Other than that, registration process can bug for other reasons, and will require another try. What I noticed, is that sometimes your first letter in username can be with Uppercase, but I'd not risk it.
The game has a lot of pitfalls, but if you like the challenge in making game fun despite such flaws, you may have a chance, by gathering your local playgroup in invite-only rooms, to play Pauper Wolfteam.
This whole idea for a guide was inspired by Magic: The Gathering Card Game, where game fans came up with the idea to play only with cheap "common" type cards and called it a "Pauper" Format.

Further Video Information/Footage can be viewed on my youtube channel
This Playlist will come useful in this guide.

This Guide will be probably updated, if I will know what to add and stuff.

Also, I have my casual playgroup, so if you want to join for some casual matches with mutually agreed houserules, come over to my group, or make your own with your playgroup.

Steam Group

Discord Server
7toNy7 May 19, 2023 @ 10:34am 
Hi,how to change server?I mean,i have 0 players on all available channels ;/