Fernando Botero And How “Boterismo” Went Around The World

Adrian Quintana🧢
2 min readOct 4, 2022

Fernando Botero and his voluptuous paintings and sculptures have been loved all over the art world. From Medellin to Paris to New York.

What he tries to depict in his paintings is much more than “just fat people on a canvas”. He shows how he can talk a lot with out words.

Fernando Botero Angulo is a Colombian artist out of Medellin. He used to call him self in the begging “the most Colombian of Colombian artists” and nowadays, coming from Latin America he is the most recognized and quoted living artist. Now he got there with his own style influenced by Baroque style of the city of Medellin and Mexican political muralist Diego Rivera. He started doing this huge paintings sculptures, with small details. Which make the people he paints look “fat”, but think of it more like with a lot of volume instead.

In his paintings there is a lot of comedies, parodies, and violence. Usually all of this is to represent political messages, other times it might just be the community. He used his art to show how violence was affecting his country, and how it hurts. everyone. One of his most famous paintings is “La Muerte de Pablo Escobar” depicting when he was shot by authorities on rooftops. On the other hand there was also comedies which usually depicted the “funny situations” the government will find itself.

Pablo receiving the fatal shots in “los tejados”. (Photo taken from:https://historia-arte.com/_/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbSI6WyJcL2FydHdvcmtcL2ltYWdlRmlsZVwvZGVhdGgtb2YtcGFibG8tZXNjb2Jhci5qcGciLCJyZXNpemUsODAwIl19.LfdqO49zMDKFzD7A8ohZwtpgW9tlNor4UNSsjGq6f2Y.jpg)

Botero’s work have been around for some time and in a lot of places like in Germany where the sculpture “Women with fruit” is, also in New York this year one of his paintings named “Hombre a Caballo” from 1996 was auctioned for $4.3 million dollars. All of this just shows the reach he had in the world and him being from “pueblo” accomplishing this is a huge inspiration for us latinos to pursue things we love, and express our views in the world in a way were we can impact the world but not hurt the world.


