Chakras 101: Chakra Positioning and Unblocking

Chakra List

Welcome to Chakras 101! You will learn what chakras are, the positions of the chakras, what each one is responsible for, and how you can clear and heal each chakra!

What are Chakras?

Chakras are known as spiritual energy centers in the body. Chakras date back to ancient times when they were referenced in scriptures describing them as spherical. These allow for energy to enter and exit the body. Chakras can become blocked, manifesting into physical and mental hindrances. Unblocking your chakras will allow for energy to freely pass through your body and allow for balance. 

Chakra Positions

Chakras run in a straight line from the top of your head (Crown chakra) to your feet (Root chakra). The order goes from the Crown chakra, which is at the top of the head, to the Third Eye chakra which is near your eyes and nose, to the Throat chakra in the middle of your throat, to the Heart chakra in the middle of your chest, to the Solar Plexus in between your ribs, to the Sacral chakra by your belly button, and lastly, the Root chakra located at the base of your spine. 

What the Chakras are Responsible for

The Crown chakra is responsible for internal and external beauty and your connection to the spiritual realm. If you are wanting to connect with your spirit guides or high-energy beings, you will need a clear Crown chakra, which takes immense time and practice. Next is your Third Eye chakra, which is responsible for connecting to your intuition, wisdom, and creativity. The Throat chakra is responsible for our communication and expression of ourselves and our emotions. The Heart chakra, obviously, is the energy center of love. This means internal and external love, peace, and also anger. The Solar Plexus chakra is responsible for confidence and control. It affects self-worth and consciousness, esteem, and feelings about yourself. The Sacral chakra affects your sense of abundance, fulfillment, pleasure, and sexuality. Lastly, the Root chakra is responsible for grounding and feeling secure. 


How to Clear Chakras

To clear your Crown chakra, cardio and meditation are the way to go. You should wear clear quartz or amethyst when you are exercising or meditating to encourage the opening of your Crown chakra. For your Third Eye chakra, place lapis lazuli in between your eyes while laying on your bed or floor during meditation. Next, your Throat chakra can be cleared through verbal affirmations, humming meditation, and turquoise. The Heart chakra is associated with the color green, so you should meditate in nature and journal all your feelings of the day to release the negative energy from your Heart chakra. You should also wear green aventurine! Your Solar Plexus can be unblocked through positive affirmations about yourself and with the help of yellow jasper! The Sacral chakra can be cleared through self-pleasure and carnelian. Lastly, to clear your Root chakra, get outside! The best way to clear this chakra is to ground yourself by sitting directly on the earth and meditating. You can also use black tourmaline to help!