Number of Target stores in the United States

Data updated on March, 2024

How many Target stores are there in the United States?

States and Territories

As of March, 2024, there are 1897 Target stores in the United States. These stores are located in 51 states and territories and 1229 cities.

The state with the most Target locations is California, with 291 stores. This is about 15% of all Target locations in the United States.

The city with the most Target locations is Chicago, with 22 locations. This is about 1% of all Target locations in the United States.

Map of Target stores in the United States

Top States with the most Target stores

15% of US Target

About 7 locations per 1M people. One location for every 135773 people.

9% of US Target

About 6 locations per 1M people. One location for every 172619 people.

6% of US Target

About 5 locations per 1M people. One location for every 182034 people.

New York
5% of US Target

About 5 locations per 1M people. One location for every 198469 people.

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store Stores per 1M
California 291 (15%) 39.51M 135773  7
Texas 168 (9%) 29.00M 172619  6
Florida 118 (6%) 21.48M 182034  5
New York 98 (5%) 19.45M 198469  5
Illinois 108 (6%) 12.67M 117315  9
Pennsylvania 85 (4%) 12.80M 150588  7
Minnesota 66 (3%) 5.64M 85455  12
Ohio 70 (4%) 11.69M 167000  6
Virginia 64 (3%) 8.54M 133438  7
Michigan 59 (3%) 9.99M 169322  6

There are Target stores in 51 states and territories in the United States

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States and Territories without any Target stores

There are 5 states and territories without Target stores in the United States

Puerto Rico
American Samoa
U.S. Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands

Cities with the most number of Target stores in the United States

City State / Territory Number of stores
Chicago Illinois 22
Los Angeles California 18
Houston Texas 15
New York New York 13
Las Vegas Nevada 12
San Antonio Texas 10
San Jose California 12
Austin Texas 10
San Diego California 10
Phoenix Arizona 9

Extract Target store data from Google Maps

Use our Google Maps scraper to extract a complete dataset of Target locations, including address, phone number, hours of operation, and other relevant information.

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Here is a sample of the data that you can extract:

position title website phone address rating reviews type
1 Target (646) 968-4739 112 W 34th St., New York, NY 10120 3.9 839 Department store
2 Target (917) 994-3522 500 E 14th St, New York, NY 10009 3.8 453 Department store
3 Target (212) 389-1418 615 10th Ave, New York, NY 10036 3.6 188 Department store
4 Target (201) 499-0017 100 14th St, Jersey City, NJ 07310 3.9 2000 Department store
5 Target (646) 822-4567 512 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10016 3.2 135 Department store
6 Target (646) 429-3934 1863 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 3.6 180 Department store
7 Target (646) 822-5200 600 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 4 223 Department store
8 Target (212) 884-2217 237 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036 4 304 Department store
9 Target (332) 204-1718 1201 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10021 4 707 Department store
10 Target (917) 994-3500 400 Grand St, New York, NY 10002 3.5 326 Department store
11 Target (917) 438-2214 255 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10007 3.9 1186 Department store
12 Target Grocery (646) 429-3934 1863 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 4.3 9 Grocery store
13 Target Grocery (646) 968-4739 112 W 34th St., New York, NY 10120 4.1 61 Grocery store
14 Target Grocery (201) 499-0017 100 14th St, Jersey City, NJ 07310 2.3 3 Grocery store
15 Target Grocery (646) 822-4567 512 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10016 4.3 33 Grocery store
16 Target Grocery (212) 389-1418 615 10th Ave, New York, NY 10036 4.5 2 Grocery store
17 Target Grocery (917) 994-3522 500 E 14th St, New York, NY 10009 3.9 35 Grocery store
18 Target (332) 266-7061 10 Union Square E, New York, NY 10003 3.7 17 Department store
19 Target Grocery (212) 884-2217 237 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036 4.4 77 Grocery store
20 Target Grocery (646) 822-5200 600 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 4.8 6 Grocery store
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