Tord Boontje


Tord Boontje by Marina Margretts


This is a book all about the dutch born industrial designer Tord Boontje which I bought after reading about it in an article. It goes through the life so far of this designer, how he rose to success and what makes him tick. This is one of the most beautiful, delicate books I have ever owned. Boontje’s work stems from his belief:


modernism does not mean minimalism, that contemporary does not forsake tradition and that technology does not abandon people and senses.


I feel like I can relate to his beliefs, I agree that for a design to be modern it most certainly doesn’t have to be minimal. There always has to be an agenda behind designs – whats wrong with creating something that is truly beautiful for the sake of simply making someone feel happy? His work includes a lot of floral and fairytale shapes intertwining with eachother, as if they are growing up the lightbulb like ivy on an old house, or down a wall over onto the sofa. His fabrics are more soft and organic, some gorgeous devore curtains that let in the light through his designs to cast a shadow of the shapes onto the other surrounding walls. His work is an experience, it’s something you interact with rather than just flat designs on a wall or on fabric. This book is one of the most inspiring books I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across. The margins are pin-pricked into beautiful birds – wonderful finishing touch. 


Garland Light designed for Habitat image from pinterest


Untill Dawn Curtain by Tord Boontje. image from pinterest


laser cut curtain – Tord Boontje





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